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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

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Summer Term Two


Our Topic ‘Under the Sea’ will provide fantastic opportunities for pupils to handle and explore a range of materials. Pupils will be encouraged to be creative to make their own fish and props to add to charismatic displays. Pupils will explore key word vocabulary such as ‘rough’, ‘smooth’, ‘shiny’ and ‘hard’ when making their own artefacts from the sea. Pupils will also investigate tinted lenses to gather designs, create their own designs, make and wear sunglasses.


‘The Rainbow Fish’ will be our multi-sensory story for the duration of the term. Pupils will explore facial expressions e.g. ‘happy’ and ‘sad’ using mirrors. Holding props, eye tracking, taking turns, making things happen and responding to stimuli will be encouraged. Pupils will be able to develop their expressive communication skills as they push the ‘ink’ from the octopus and feel the starfish with its rough skin, handle a range of big and small fish and use fish on fishing rods and mounted from umbrellas as the story unfolds. When focusing on reading skills pupils will be identifying initial letters and their sounds and expanding their experience and identification of rhythm and rhyme linked to letters and their sounds. During writing focused sessions pupils will continue to use ‘Write Dance’ and ‘Penpals’. Stroke formation will be developed using a range of gross and fine motor control development exercises and later, pupils will work on their letter formation technique. 

The Rainbow Fish

In Cookery pupils will be developing their understanding and use of positional vocabulary when making sandwiches. Pupils will develop their technique at using a range of utensils such as graters and knives. Each week pupils will make sandwiches with different fillings and then have the opportunity to taste/eat them during afternoon snack.


During Computing pupils will be working on their mouse skills. The progression of skills will include using the mouse to move the cursor across the screen, clicking on icons/objects and then clicking, dragging and dropping.


Following the new curriculum, this term Maths will be split into three areas. Number will involve focusing on counting out amounts and selecting the corresponding numeral, ordering numbers on a number line and joining in with number rhymes using props. Key number songs this term will be 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive, 5 little ducks went swimming one day and 5 little speckled frogs. Measure sessions will involve the practical exploration, understanding and use of the terms ‘heavy’ and ‘light’ and then later when investigating capacity ‘more’ and ‘less’. Geometry will give rise to opportunities to explore materials, equipment and their properties and use comparative terms. 

1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive

Five Little Ducks

Five little speckled frogs

Summer 1

Our overarching theme in Blue Class this term is ‘To Market, To Market’. Pupils will be identifying and printing with a range of fruit and vegetables. They will be using modelling materials to make their own fruit and vegetable arrangements. Pupils will all be learning about key colours of fruit and vegetables. Visits to a supermarket and local green grocers will enable pupils to have hands on experience of shopping and handling fresh produce.


In Maths pupils will be moving on to sorting fruits and vegetables into sets. Pupils will work on their money skills in the role play shop and playing board games to develop their dice and game playing skills. Pupils will be tracing shape patterns and working on drawing their own shapes. During water play pupils will explore the concepts of ‘more’ and ‘less’.


Our text in Literacy is ‘I will not ever never eat a tomato’ by Lauren Child. Pupils will be working on their reading comprehension skills and developing their receptive and expressive communication skills related to the text. Pupils will be developing their writing skills through ‘Write Dance’ and using the story as a stimulus for writing captions and overwriting key phrases form the story.

In Cookery pupils will be developing their understanding and use of positional vocabulary when making sandwiches. Pupils will develop their technique at using a range of utensils such as graters and knives. Each week pupils will make sandwiches with different fillings and then have the opportunity to taste/eat them during afternoon snack.


During Computing pupils will be working on their mouse skills. The progression of skills will include using the mouse to move the cursor across the screen, clicking on icons/objects and then clicking, dragging and dropping.


Following the new curriculum, this term Maths will be split into three areas. Number will involve focusing on counting out amounts and selecting the corresponding numeral, ordering numbers on a number line and joining in with number rhymes using props. Key number songs this term will be 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive, 5 little ducks went swimming one day and 5 little speckled frogs. Measure sessions will involve the practical exploration, understanding and use of the terms ‘heavy’ and ‘light’ and then later when investigating capacity ‘more’ and ‘less’. Geometry will give rise to opportunities to explore materials, equipment and their properties and use comparative terms. 

Charlie and Lola - I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato

In Cookery pupils will be learning to make omelette. Pupils will develop their co-ordination skills to grate cheese using a grater and operate a hand whisk. Positional vocabulary will be a key focus during sessions as pupils fill their omelettes with their toppings and make a side salad to go next to their cooked food.


Mark making is the sub-topic during Computing sessions. Pupils will continue to use the touch screen and increasingly develop their skills at using a mouse to draw and colour a range of fruit and vegetables. Pupils will develop their skills at locating specific icons on the computer e.g. print, and recognising that the print out on paper resembles the image on the computer screen.


In Science pupils will develop their drawing skills to make pictorial representations of fruits and vegetables. Pupils will be encouraged to show their awareness of changes in the garden and school grounds as seeds germinate, buds grow and flowers blossom. Pupils will scientifically investigate ‘push’ and ‘pull’. Pupils will make changes to water and other liquids through mixing substances.   

Literacy activities

Numeracy activities

ICT activities

Cookery Activities


Spring 2

The Wheels on the Bus


During Spring Term Two pupils in Blue Class will be learning through the overarching theme ‘The Wheels on the Bus’. Pupils will be learning about cars, buses, trains, bikes and planes. This will involve a trip on a bus and train and developing cycling skills using the school bikes. Pupils will learn about washing, wheels, push and pull and exploring speed on a slope. Pupils will engage in role play and develop their turn taking skills. 


In Computing pupils will be developing their skills through the sub topic ‘on/off’. Pupils will be learning how to turn on and switch off bee bop robots, computers and light switches.  


In Maths pupils will be developing their patterns and sorting skills during using and applying lessons. The concept of number and how many will be explored with the use of pictures and objects linked to our topic. Pupils will draw and handle shapes, develop with sense of space and understanding of the terms forwards and backwards and gain experience and understanding of key terms in measure. 


‘The Wheels on the Bus’ by Annie Kubler and ‘The Train Ride’ by June Crebbin will be our texts in Literacy. Pupils will continue to develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills as is appropriate for each individual child.

Wheels on the Bus

The Train Ride

This term in cookery pupils will work with a partner (with adult support) to make cakes in a step by step fashion following a lead adults visually demonstrated instructions. 


During Science lessons pupils will learn about the properties of vehicles and observe leaves and flowers as part of the new life in spring.  

Spring 1


During Spring Term One 2015 the overarching Topic is ‘Under My Feet’. Pupils will be matching and sorting shoes and threading laces. Patterns and sock designs will be explored; properties and length will be investigated. Pupils will create their own designs. During Sensory Feet week pupils will explore the textures of different materials. The properties ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ will be explored with foot massages, foot spas, hot chocolate and milkshake drinks. The contrasting nature of materials will be investigated with feely bags.


During the first part of the term pupils will develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills linked to ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

In the second half of the term pupils will develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills linked to ‘The Foot Book’ by Dr Seuss.

Dr. Seuss' The Foot Book

Pupils will continue to develop their turn taking and interaction skills using multi-sensory resources and the Sound Beam equipment during story sessions.


In Cookery pupils will make a different version of play dough each week. They will be using different herbs and spices to give scent and adding corresponding colouring.


In Numeracy pupils will work on threading and explore common attributes during using and applying skills sessions and count out how many in number based skill sessions. During measure the concept of weight will be the focus and pupils will use play dough and lidded containers during shape based skills sessions. Prepositions such as in, on and under will be investigated during space based skill sessions.


In ICT pupils will be engaging in learning through the unit ‘Watching videos/talking Stories’. Pupils will develop their recognition of self and other through exploration of school video, traditional tales, nursery rhymes, the CBeebies website and Oxford Reading Tree stories. 


Science lessons will be linked to our Topic when possible. Scientific enquiry skills will be developed around the handling of shoes. When focusing on life processes pupils will work on developing their skills naming animals and recognising specific features. Paper will be tested and substances mixed in water during Materials based skills sessions. The concepts of fast and slow will be explored through moving vehicle investigations during physical processes based skill sessions.


PE lessons will focus on dance this term. Pupils will learn to move their bodies to different styles of music using props and resources to add to learning experiences. Pupils will gain skills to perform ‘The Bean Bag Rock’ and ‘The Wiggly Woo’ dances. 


Autumn 2

In Autumn Term Two the overarching theme is ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. The pupils in Blue Class will be exploring each of the substrates in the book i.e. cold icy water for the river etc. A range of instruments to create a sound story based on the book.

The position of Barnaby Bear will be explored in the classroom, around the school and Barnaby Bear will be taken on trips to a range of places of religious worship.


In Numeracy a range of objects will be used to complete matching activities and pupils will begin to sort by their own and given criteria. They will learn to sing a range of number rhymes using props to help dramatise songs and pupils will also explore the vocabulary of number. Language associated with size will be the focus during Measure, assembling and disassembling toys using visual instruction cards will be the focus during Space lessons.

In Literacy pupils will be studying the traditional tale of ‘The Gingerbread Man’. Pupils will learn about the story sequence using finger puppets, pictures and hand puppets. Key phrases will be the focus during Speaking and Listening exercises and each child will work on developing their skills at forming the letters to write their fore names.

During Cookery pupils will be pouring, mixing, kneading and shaping dough to make bread. They will fully visually demonstrated step-by-step instructions. Each week, a different ingredient will be added to the mixture for contrast e.g. poppy seeds or sesame seeds.

In Science pupils will be handling and applying a range of materials. The characteristic features of animals will be explored. Movement and cause and effect activities will feature during later Science lessons.

In ICT pupils will continue to use a touch screen to make things happen. They will turn pages of books linked to Literacy and Topic, identifying and decorating characters and matching key scenes. Pupils will also use software such as Alphabet Soup to locate specific and match specific letters.

Pupils will continue to work on their joint attention and turn taking skills during PSHE. They will actively be encouraged to make choices and increasingly play with a partner during structured activities and pupils will continue to work on their self-help and getting dressed skills. 

Numeracy activities

Literacy activities

Topic work - 'Where is Barnaby Bear?'

Cookery Lessons


Autumn 1


Jodi Smith is the class Teacher supported by Angela Quainton (TA4) and Teaching Assistants Amy, Chandan and Elaine. The children in Blue Class are Ayaan, Gabriel, Laaibah, Teddy, Michael, Victoria and Zeeshan.


Our overarching Topic is ‘The Things People Do’. Pupils will initially explore their own faces using mirrors and draw and create their own self-portraits before moving on to finding out about people who help at school and what they do. Children will learn about the roles of various medical professionals such as doctors and dentists and then other people in our local community such as the fire brigade, police, post office staff, shop keepers and hairdressers.


In Numeracy pupils will practise building with different styles of construction toys, moving wheeled vehicles both along a track and with pull cords. Early number skills will be explored through song, manipulating objects and exploring amounts. Pupils will have opportunities to make shapes and explore position with shapes. During Cookery this term pupils will follow a range of progressive recipes to make biscuits and focus on skills such as stirring and handling a range of objects.


In Literacy pupils we will be reading a range of Spot books written by Eric Hill. Turning the pages, finding and pointing at characters, naming characters and identifying repeated words and phrases will form a part of reading skill sessions. Children will work on their mark making and early letter stroke skills through computer based activities and sensory tray activities as well as using a range of mark making tools such as pencils, pens, chalk and paint brushes. Speaking and listening skills will also be linked with ‘Spot’ and the sounds of animals will be matched with their symbols and pupils will be encouraged to express what they can see and hear. 

The Adventures of Spot

In Science sessions pupils will handle a range of seasonal objects. They will use a variety of materials to make items to send from the post office and explore mixing with water. Facial features will be identified and named as part as Life Processes study. Pupils will also explore pushing and pulling and fast and slow using cars and trains during Physical Processes learning.


During ICT pupils will continue to develop their touch screen skills to move up and down and left and right. Pupils will develop their matching skills, they will be encouraged to look for specific objects and icons on the screen and click using the mouse. Programs such as Beep, 2Simple, Nursery Rhymes and Clicker 6 will be used during ICT skill sessions and Topic linked learning sessions. 

Our Portraits


Numeracy activities


Literacy activities


Cookery lessons


Topic work - 'People who help us'


Science activities

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