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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Spring 2

Wow! Just like that we are nearly at the end of term already. It has been so lovely
to have all the children back in school and to be able to see them all in person again.
We are ensuring we are keeping as safe as possible by cleaning regularly and
washing our hands frequently. We also have a new TA in our class called Gemma!
All the children in Flamingo Class have made her feel very welcome.
Since coming back to school we have continued to look at our story in English – I’ll
Always Love You by Paeony Lewis, and completing lots of lovely work relating to
this. We also have been continuing with our Maths work, looking at using number
lines to help with addition and subtraction, 2D and 3D shapes, dice games, and
many other lovely activities. Our Topic this half term is called ‘Who is your favourite
Artist?’ and we have been looking at the different Artists each week and their
different styles. Last week we looked at Seurat who uses pointillism (dots), and this
week we have been looking at Andy Warhol and his very colourful Pop Art! The
children have loved creating their own pictures in the different styles of the artists.
It is Red Nose Day this Friday (19 th March) and the theme this year is superheroes!
Pupils are welcome to come to school dressed as their favourite superhero, and we
will have lots of fun activities planned throughout the day.
As always if you have any questions please use the flamingo email address to get in
contact, and keep checking here for any updates and pictures of the fun things we
have been getting up to!

Hannah & Tabitha

Hello Flamingo Class, 


We hope you are all still keeping safe and well at home. 


The link below to the word document will give you some ideas of how we can keep creative at home. It gives you an idea for every day of the month. It is your choice then how creative you want to be! You might want to draw a picture, take a photo, build a model, create a masterpiece with playdough! 


If you do decide to be creative please send us a picture of your beautiful work, we would love to see what you are up to! 


Flamingo Class Team 



Hello Flamingo Class, we have come back to another strange time at school and another lockdown. This can be a very anxious time, but just like last time please cherish the extra time you have with family and make memories together when you can. 


We hope you have been enjoying the online remote sessions. We have been joining some at school too. :-) 

We are sending activity packs to accompany the online learning as well as offering the remote learning timetable. 

As always there are things that you can be doing at home every day to help your child, some ideas are listed below and attached is a pinterest document with lots of household items that can be used for lots of fun and engaging activities. 


1) Practice the writing of their names- fine motor skills 

This could be with a pencil, writing in flour, shaving foam, play dough, with felt tip pens etc. 


2) Dressing and undressing- independence skills 

With support or verbal instructions with slowly less and less support for our children 

Remembering for them to try and turn the more complex clothing the correct way or zip their coat up for example 


3) Counting- 

when out and about on walks looking at door or car registration numbers. 

counting their toys 

using money to play shops at home 

using building blocks to add amounts 


4) Cooking 

Can they make their own snack 

Can they get or pour their own drink 

Can they make a sandwich 

Can you make cakes or pizza and they measure the ingredients or get the cooking utensils etc 


5) Reading 

Stories, comics, online websites 

Answer questions 

why do they like this etc 


Please stay safe and we hope this helps. 


Please like always email if you have any questions or need further assistance with anything 


Flamingo Class

Autumn 2

Flaming Update

We have had a great few last weeks making crafts, having Christmas dinner together and seeing Father Christmas. 

We have loved seeing the excitement on the children's faces and how memorable this time of year is. 


Please take care over the holiday period, stay safe and make memories with your families. 

Class Newspaper

Please come back weekly to see the latest updates

Children in Need

We have celebrated children in need this year by of course dressing up but in class we did a collaborative art piece. The children loved drawing Pudsey Bear and used their fine motor skills and social interaction skills, as we had conversations about what we were drawing, what colours we were using etc.

Anti-Bullying Week

This week was anti-bullying week and we made a window display for our classroom. We drew around our hands and arms, then painted them. In the middle of our hands we put love hearts with words on that were based on being a good friend. We thought of words such as helpful, kind, having good manners etc. We love our display! 

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Hello Flamingo Class

We hope you are well and have had fun half terms! We are looking forward to seeing you for another fun packed half term.


This half term our topic is a question- 'What lights up the winter sky at night?' 

This is a science and RE based topic so we will be looking into light sources and religious festivals. The curriculum map will come out on the website this week and will be sent through email too. So please watch out for what the children will be learning in school and what you could also do at home to help embed their learning. 


As always if there are any questions or concerns please ring the school office, talk to myself or the family workers or use the class email which is checked regularly. 


Again as a national lockdown takes places on Thursday please stay safe and well. Please follow the school guidance if your child or any family falls unwell this is vital. 


There is still lots to enjoy whilst in lockdown just like last time- 

Autumn baking at home 

Autumn walks seeing what nature things you can find? -acorns, conkers, different coloured leaves. 

Go on an Autumn hunt 

Draw pictures together 

Read stories and talk about the book together 

Watch movies and eat special snacks 

Make towers of bricks who can make the biggest or big small and medium towers? 

mix paint and paint pictures. 

There are lots of ideas on google and pinterest. 

Keep busy and keep safe


Love from Flamingo Class Leaves Pathway.

Autumn 1

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Hello everyone

We hope you had a good first few days back at school. We can see that everyone is now starting to settle in and learn the school routine. All the children are enjoying being upstairs in the school and like their new classroom. We have all had fun getting to know each other and exploring the toys in our new class.


In our new class we have 11 children, 9 boys and 2 girls. We have the class teacher Tabitha, a trainee teacher Hannah, a TA3 Karolina and three TA’s Kelly, Alison and Farah.

This week more formal learning is taking place and we are starting to learn our new timetable and routines. Things are a little different but children are all coping really well with all the changes in place to keep everyone safe.


Attached to this is a curriculum map for this half term- here you will find information on what the children are learning in school but also some ideas of how you can also help them extend  or talk about their learning at home. Also I will email a copy out of the class timetable- please check your class emails they will come from this email address:


The timetable will help the children prepare for the day in terms of them knowing what they will be learning but also when to look forward to their favourite lessons etc.

Please use the email address above if you have any questions or concerns at all. This is currently in place of home school books.


We are excited to be back at school and as a class team we are really looking forward to learning together and continuing their RHS journeys.


Thankyou and take care

Tabitha, Hannah, Karolina, Kelly, Alison and Farah.

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