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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Autumn 2

Our topic this half term is ‘Shine a Light and Celebrate’ and we have been very busy learning about light sources and different celebrations where lights are enjoyed. 


We enjoyed learning about Diwali, experiencing some of the different ways this is celebrated and we made different Diwali crafts. We have made firework pictures and rockets to celebrate the 5th November.

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Exploring lights and torches

Remembrance Day poppy craft

Autumn 1

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Welcome Back

Hello and welcome back to school and to Yellow Class.  My name is Anita and I am the class teacher working alongside Maisy who will be sharing the teaching with me. We currently have three teaching assistants who are Emma, Dawn and James and seven children in the class


The pupils in Yellow Class are following the Roots pathway curriculum where we will have a big emphasis on communication, learning to learn skills and independence. 


It is great to have the children back and they have already settled well and are adapting to their new adults and class routine. 


Our topic this half term is ‘All about me’. Each week we will explore a different topic including hand and teeth hygiene, my body, my senses and my emotions.


Our English book this half term is ‘Elmer’ and the children are enjoying exploring different animals and making creations using a range of colours and materials.


In Maths we will be learning about number, shape and measure doing lots of fun activities.


As you know we are not able to use the home/school books at this time, so I will be contacting you via email. Please ensure I have your recent email address and that you are receiving my emails. My class email address is


Please keep looking at our class page to see some of your child’s fantastic work and learning experiences, also for any updates.

Contact Info
