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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Welcome to Yellow Class!


Welcome to Yellow Class. The teacher is Tricia, Dil is our TA2 and Hannah, Clare and Lisa are the other teaching assistants in the class. The children in Yellow Class are Aisha, Aliyah, Destinee, Jeremy, Junaid, Raees and Sanmay.  


Summer 2


We have been joined this half-term by Julie who is sharing the teaching in class with Tricia – welcome Julie!


We are now in the last half-term of the year and out topic is ‘Different Places, Different Lives’. This week we are talking about where we live – Luton and Great Britain – and about our own homes and families before then moving on to focus on Africa, Russia (where Katie, one of our TAs is from) and China.


Linked to the countries we are using literacy books ‘My Granny went to Market’, ‘A is for Africa’ by Ifeoma Onyefulu, a non-fiction book ‘Russia’ by Helen Arnold and ‘Cleversticks’ by Bernard Ashley. 


For each country we will be sharing a range of activities linked to food, clothing, climate, flags, animals, artwork and music. We will, where possible, also be experiencing some of the languages by sharing stories read by different members of staff. It should be a very busy half-term!


End of Summer 1


We enjoyed our literacy books this half-term.


We made friendly and grumpy faces for our ladybirds.










We made spiders and webs for our Very Busy Spider book.




At the end of half-term we visited Standalone Farm to see animals with their babies. We milked a 

cow (not a real one), fed the pigs and piglets, brushed a pony, took a trailer ride and much more. It 

was a great day!

Our Photos


Summer 1


Our topic this (very short!) half-term is ‘New Life’. We have already been out to the park to see early signs of spring:


Spring Walk in the Park


We are growing broad beans and flowers and will go on to learn about Minibeasts, the life cycles of a variety of creatures and to learn more about farm animals and pets and their young.


Our literacy books this half-term will be ‘The Bad-Tempered Ladybird’ and ‘The Very Busy Spider’.

The Very Busy Spider

The Bad-Tempered Ladybird


End of Spring 2


This half term in Yellow class there have been some staff changes. Joanna has left and I (Tricia) am currently leading the class. Lisa has also joined us as a Teaching Assistant.


The theme this term has been ‘Treasure Island’ and we have dressed up and taken part in many pirate activities and looked at things which are on or under the sea.


Our World Book day book was ‘I’m the Happiest’ and you will find pictures of this under the World Book term section here


The children have taken part in a range of science activities – using magnets to ‘fish’, to move iron filings, to see how many paper clips a magnet could attract and to see how magnets can ‘attract’ or ‘repel’ (or ‘stick together’/ ‘not stick together’).  



Linked to our topic, we made boats and also tested boats to see if they would float and how many marbles they could carry before they sank! 

Sinking and Floating


We made candles for Mother’s day


We got a little messy making Dancing Oobleck

We all worked so hard that the children earned a trip to McDonalds - well done Yellow Class!


Spring 2

In numeracy we have been looking at big and small things. We used the same object of different sizes and the children then matched it to big or small symbols.

Big and small


Spring 1

This half term our topic is “Café”. We learnt about what we can buy in a café, who works there, how to behave in the cafe and about money. We visited Cafe Rouge to try French food and to an Indian restaurant to try some Indian cuisine. We had a great time and enjoyed practising using money too.

Cafes Topic Work

Autumn 2


This half term our topic was “Over the rainbow”. In Literacy we studied the story “Wizard of Oz” and before that “Handas’s surprise”. We created lots of different characters from “The Wizard of Oz” story and we made our own book from work we have done on “Handa’s surprise”. On this occasion we were working on writing, reading, acting and we had lots of fun.



Our Handa's Surprise Work

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