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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Welcome to Gold Class


Let me introduce you to Gold Class… I am Emma the class teacher, Jenny is our TA2 and we have Chandan, Lisa, Charlotte and Beth as teaching assistants.

The pupils in Gold class are: Jahnairo, Bradley, Ibrahim, Dhruv, Ameena, Ahmed, Hasnain and Zeeshan.

Summer 2

Welcome back to our last half term of the school year!!!

This half term our topic is 'Moving and Changing' which we will be exploring forces with the help of some superheroes!!! We'll be meeting Powerful Push, Pretty Pull, Super Spinner, Magnetic Man and lots more during the term!

In literacy we will be creating our own superhero comics with the help of the story 'Nat Fantastic' by Giles Andreae.


We'll also be holding a yr 5/6 funfair day which we hope will raise some money towards an end of year trip to Gullivers land!


The class will also be going out, revisiting some of our favourite trips of the year and going to meet my horse Alfie whom they have heard a lot about during the year!!! More details to follow in a letter home to parents soon! 


I'm sure it will be another busy and successful term in Gold Class. Keep checking back to our page to see what we will be getting up to!

Gold Class Superheroes!!!!

End of year trip to McDonald's and to visit Emma's horse Alfie!

Moving and changing activities

Ashridge Park

In ICT this week we made some superhero collages...

Summer 1

This half term our topic is 'A frog chorus!' which we will be investigating into pond life and focussing on the life cycle of a frog!


In literacy we will be learning the tale of 'The Frog Prince' and will be building up to performing it!


We shall also be learning the 'frog chorus' song by Paul McCartney for an end of term performance with the rest of years 5/6!



Some of what we have been up to...

In ICT this week, we used 2Simple 2Publish to draw the life cycle of a frog. Please find the pictures below! 


We downloaded the Frog Prince pictures from Twinkl and added our own captions. You can see that in the link below. 

Pond Dipping Ashridge Forest


Gold class used 2simple Modeling Toolkit on the computer. They had to select colours and fill in shapes as well as add the princess and the well by clicking and dragging and dropping. They then resized the princess and the well using the arrow keys. You can see the results below...

Frog Chorus

Spring 2

This half term has been very busy and quite historic with our topic 'Through The Decades'. We have had decade party's each Friday morning where we dressed up, listened to music, danced, sampled foods and played with toys relevant to each decade starting with the 40's through to the 80's.  We have also recreated some of the popular artistic styles from each decade too. We hope you enjoy looking through the pictures below.


We have continued with the historic theme by focusing on Dinosaurs in Numeracy and Literacy this half term and we have used these books to help us:

'Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs' by Ian Whybrow and Adrian Reynolds

'Dinosaurs Galore' by Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz

'That's not my Dinosaur' by Fiona Watt.



We then finished the term by making our own individual stories using our dinosaur Blue called 'Blue's Day Out!' The children choose from a selection of photographs of places Blue had been and then told or wrote their own stories. Have a look at where Blue went below.




Our Through the Decades work

World Book Day

Today we dressed up as Dinosaurs to link in with our literacy theme this half term.

Junk model Dinosaur!

As part of our PSHE lesson we worked as a team, helping each other and taking turns to build a big junk model dinosaur! Next week we're going to paint him.

Junk model dinosaur!

Meet our new class pet dinosaur

Today we got a new class pet dinosaur. The children met him, stroked him and we thought of what we could call him. The class decided to call him 'Blue'.

We then gave Blue some fruit and milk for his dinner. We hope Blue will be a nice addition to Gold Class and that he'll join in with lots of the activities we do! He may even go home with some of the children and staff!

Blue our pet dinosaur

Cbeebies also have lots of Dinosaur themed fun craft activities, short videos and games on their site. Click here to explore Andy's Dinosaur Adventures and lots more!


Spring 1

Spring 1's topic was ‘Talking Textures’ where we looked at lots of different materials and their properties.


As part of our topic work we went with Silver Class to Ashridge Estate to explore natural materials and textures. It was a fantastic day out and the children enjoyed jumping in the big puddles, climbing over fallen logs and squelching in the mud!!!

Here are some of our photos:

We had a sensory afternoon where the children got rather messy feeling different substances with their hands and feet!

We had lots of fun! Can you guess what some of the things in the tubs are?

Sensory afternoon

Balloon colour and number dice game

Balloons under ultra-violet light


In literacy we studied the book: ‘The Blue Balloon’ by Mick Inkpen.


‘The Blue Balloon- Kipper finds the balloon in the garden. It’s big. It’s blue. It’s shiny and squeaky. It gets bigger and bigger, and it won’t burst, whatever Kipper and his friend do!


But when they hold on to the string, the balloon sails away and takes them high into the blue sky. There are twinkly stars to sail over and aliens to play with. But never fear – the blue balloon brings them home in time for a tasty tea of sausages, chips and beans! So if you ever find a blue balloon, hang onto it. Who knows! It might be magic!


Filled with Mick Inkpen’s glowing artwork, this celebrated classic tells a timeless tale of wonder and imagination through paper flaps which lift as the story unfolds.’


Review from:



During our work on 'The Blue Balloon' we did lots of group reading. Turning the pages one at a time, taking turns to read key words, discuss what was happening in the pictures and make predictions of what will happen next in the story!


A lovely story featuring Kipper the Dog.

To finish off our work focussing on the author Mick Inkpen we are studying the story 'Kipper's Birthday'. The children have designed their invitations, written them, addressed them to each other and posted them to their homes. The children are excited to get receive their invitation in the post! We have also made a hopping list and a cake recipe to bake Kipper's Birthday fruit cake, just like he does in the story. We went to Asda with our shopping list and bought the ingredients. We then baked the cake to give to Kipper at his party. 

Meet Gold Class

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