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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Welcome to Parrot class. Let me introduce you to our class…


I am Tabitha the class teacher, Margaret is my TA2 and I have two teaching assistants Helen and Amy. In our class we have 7 pupils; Alfie, Sara, Lawrence, Kian, Musa, Ike and Ayaan.

Summer 2

WOW- how have we got to the final term already! Summer term is all about the topic, 'under the sea'. Just like last term each week will have a different focus: 


week one- fish

week two- sea creatures

week three- pirates

week four-  beach entertainment

week five- beach food

week six - water play 

week seven- sand play 


Each week we will be learning about a different aspect of 'sea life', accompanied by crafts in topic work such as making our own treasure chests in pirate week and creating our own under water shoe box. 

In maths we will continue working on the different strands of number, geometry and measure. Linking this with topic we will count fish, make sea creatures from shapes and empty and fill containers with sand and water. These are just a few activities that we will be doing.  

In literacy we are going to look at brushing our teeth for the first two weeks of school,linking with PSHE. We will have a role play dentist room and brush our teeth in class once a day. We will then go on to look at stories about fish and under water life, looking at the book, 'Hooray for fish!'. 

Keep a look out for photos of us all. Any questions remember to write in the home-school books.

Summer 2- Sports day!

Summer 2- Trip to see some fish!

Summer 2- Splash Park!


In Parrot Class we have been having lots of fun this term. Below are lots of photos showing all the exciting things we have been getting up to! Take a look! :-)

We had a fantastic term learning about fruit and vegetables. It ended in a big market stall day, where we sold the creative things we had made throughout the term. We all enjoyed seeing our families :-)


We also made fruit baskets to sell at our market, we tried to name all of the fruits we put in them. 

Week 5 - Purple Week!

In Topic we did some fruit printing. We got very messy!

Summer - Week 4 - Tasting Fruit


In orange week we tried lots of different orange fruit and vegetables. Please take a look! 

Summer - Week 3 - Yellow Week

Yellow week crafts- pineapples! We made clay pineapples. We used patterned rolling pins or our fingers to make the pineapples skin pattern. We decorated the top of our pineapples with funky coloured feathers. 

Writing with Carrots

We have been writing with carrots in literacy! We got messy, but had so much fun! 

Market Stall

We have also visited our market stall! We role played being shop keepers and buying things from the market. We played with coins and held shopping baskets. ;-) 

Summer 1 - Week 2

This week has been red week. We have tried red pepper, tomatoes and strawberries! Again everyone had a go at exploring the new foods! Take a look at the photos :-)

Summer 1 - Week 1

The first week back at school was green week. We tried avacado and green apples. Everyone had a try, even if we did pull some funny faces when we didn't like things! In topic we made some apples out of different material and painted peas! 

Summer 1

Also in the first week back at school we planted some seeds! We followed instructions to plant runner beans! We had fun with the soil and learnt that the seeds need water and sun to make them grow. We are going to watch them grow this half term :-) 


The summer term has come around quickly! I hope you all had a nice Easter break! :-) 


This term, summer one, we are looking at the topic of, 'Market to Market'. The focus for this topic is 

PSHE and Science, predominantly trying lots of new fruit and vegetables. Each week is a different 


week one- green 

week two- red 

week three- yellow 

week four- orange 

week five- purple 

week six - neutral and exotic 


Each week we will be trying fruit and vegetables related to that colour, accompanied by crafts in topic work, as well as planting our own runner beans and making our own chutney. 

In maths we will continue working on the different strands of number, geometry and measure, 

bringing in fruit and vegetables to look at colour, size and counting. 


In literacy we are going to look at two books, ' Peas! It's not easy being peas-y' by Andy Cullen and 

Simon Rickerty and 'The very hungry caterpillar' by Eric Carle. We will also be looking at our healthy 

families and seeing what their favourite fruit and vegetables are! :-) 

Keep a look out for photos of us all. Any questions remember to write in the home-school books. 

In our expressive arts lessons we have been looking at, 'Truck Art'. We have been inspired by rangoli patterns for creative boxes. For our creative boxes we painted dots, created colourful patterns and wrote our names on the boxes! Look aren't they beautiful!
Pancake Day! We had a lovely afternoon on pancake day! We did lots of different activities. We ordered different sized pancakes, matched ingredients in pancakes and coloured in pancakes! After all the hard work we ate some pancakes! Everyone tried a pancake and enjoyed our special tea party. 
So far in our topic lessons we have walked in different substances to see how it feels to walk in them. We have tried paint, water, flour and shaving foam. We got very messy but loved making footprints! 

We have played on bikes, having races to see who can pedal the fastest and if we can pedal slowly. We have painted and labelled a bike too!

Spring 2

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a lovely half term break! 


This term our topic is, 'We go travelling by'. We are going to looking at a different modes of transport all term. We start with construction vehicles, then go on to look at bikes, cars, buses, trains and boats. 

All of this is encompassed in all our learning that takes place and covers all subject areas. For example in art and DT we will be making our own cars and buses. In science we will focus on making things move fast and slow and being able to push and pull objects. We will also be taking a close look at the different modes of transport, being able to name some of their features and even talk about their purpose! 


In literacy we will continue working on all the strands: speaking, listening, writing and reading. We will be looking at a range of books based on vehicles and songs too! You can find these songs on our website page :-) 

We are continuing to write our names. Also in phonics continuing learning of the sounds incorporated with the formation of the letters and handwriting skills. We will be writing in lots of different ways so watch out for our messy photos and our fabulous writing skills! 


In maths we will continue to work on geometry, number and measure. We will be making lots of cross curricular links this term, so there will be lots of vehicles popping up in maths lessons. 


Any questions please do not hesitate to ask them and use the home-school book. 


Thanks Parrot Class Team 

At the end of the spring term we even got to have snack outside! We liked sitting on the cushions and benches to have out snack. Look at us :-) 


We even fitted in some bhangra dancing into expressive arts!

We even went on a bus into town!

For our transport topic we also washed cars and played with cars in the classroom.

We had great fun! 


Spring 1

Out topic this term is, ‘There is no such thing as a Gruffalo?’ In literacy we will be reading, ‘The Gruffalo’ and ‘The Gruffalos Child’. We will also read a range of Julia Donaldson books through the term. We will do lots of fun activities surrounding the books, even having our own Gruffalo tea party. We have already been colouring the characters, making their faces from play dough and have been on a character hunt!


In topic lessons each week we are focusing on different animals. This brings in science and art nicely. We are looking at humans, birds reptiles, fish and insects. Some of the activities we will be making are the animals themselves using craft materials, looking at life cycles and watching clips of animals and hearing animal stories.


Photos of things we have created and really enjoyed will be shared below so you can see our great work.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to write in the home/school books.


In literacy we have enjoyed reading the story of the Gruffalo this term. We have been on an animal hunt around the school where we had to try and find all of the characters! We have even looked at the different sizes that the characters could be linking it to big and small in our maths work! 

Wendover Woods Trip

We loved our trip to Wendover Woods to find the huge Gruffalo statue! We touched its purple prickles and saw its big orange eyes! We collected things in the woods too and had a picnic on our school bus!

Cookery Photos

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