Summer 2
Please find below our curriculum map for Summer 2
SUMMER 1 2021 - Welcome back! RAMADAN KAREEM! We have a super exciting, fun filled, sensational half term ahead of us.
SPRING 2 2021 - WELCOME! This is a very short half term; only 5 weeks. It will be filled with creativity, learning, fun and EGGcellent Easter activities! Some of the photos on this page provide ideas for amazing, Easter crafts which can be done at home or at school.
Some more examples of the sensational, superb, brilliant, awesome learning and activities of the Amber class children whether at home or in school!
WOW! Sensational, amazing, spectacular virtual learning from Amber class!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021! Remote Learning during Spring 1 Lockdown. Each child has had a work pack delivered to their home, containing: a diary book to write in each day, work sheets, stickers, a handwriting book, whiteboard and pen for online lessons, target questions, weekend news templates for Monday lessons. Each child will have 1:2:1 online sessions with Jacqueline or in small groups. PurpleMash work will be set. Between 9:15-9:30am children can listen to good morning songs by clicking on the YouTube links below on this Amber class page. Morning circle time will be at 10am each morning as a class online (we will then start our first lesson of the day). At 3pm each day, Amber class will meet together online to recap the day, share some diary entries and say goodbye!
Amber class daily overview week 1 and 2 - parents will privately be informed when all individual 1:2:1 or small group sessions are scheduled for.
Some photographs from Amber class week beginning 29th November - getting ready for our Christmas performance!
Amber class have enjoyed their 1:2:1 sessions working with Jacqueline on google classroom focussing on their maths, English and communication targets. Jacqueline takes a 'screenshot' photo of each answer the child writes on their whiteboard to form a document to go into each child's book. Below are some screenshot photos of what this looks like!
A Special, Surprise, Christmas Delivery from a Cheeky Christmas Elf...
Traditional Tales Movie Afternoon...V.I.P Invitation Only! Each child received a personalised cinema ticket on Friday - they must be responsible by keeping their ticket safe until Tuesday!
Autumn 2 Curriculum Overview 2020 Amber Class
Autumn 2 Curriculum Overview
Welcome to Autumn 2 2020! Our Thematic Unit is: What Lights up the Sky in Winter? Our English story focus is: Cinderella (a traditional tale).
Friendship Chain
Amber class created miniature puppets of themselves dressed in RHS uniform.
They joined them together to create a 'friendship chain'.
We LOVE it!
Celebration of Achievements in Amber Class - WOW work wall, the Throne of Glory and our 'Zones of Regulation' emotions board.
Writing Friendship Letters.
All of the children in Amber class are very good friends. They have particularly bonded over the last 3 weeks.
Each child chose the name of a peer in Amber close and wrote a friendship letter to them, detailing what they like about them and why they are a good friend.
Each child then shared the letter they had written by reading it aloud to the person they had written it to and to the class. To do this each child sat on our THRONE OF GLORY with our incredible crown on their head.
Reading my friendship letter to the class...
Hello wonderful parents and children.
Amber class have had an awesome first half term so far and have been doing lots of wonderful learning. Our topic is 'All About Me', our English story is 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' and in maths we have a different focus each week (number, shape, measure).
Things have been a little 'different' for Amber class as Jacqueline their teacher has been teaching them remotely using google classroom. The children have LOVED this and enjoyed the engaging technological features which they are being taught with.
Every lesson the 'random name chooser' tool selects a child to be the 'Tiny Teacher' and to help Jacqueline in the classroom to organise and instruct each of their peers where to sit and what equipment they need. Manners are everything and each child is very good at saying please and thank you to their peers.
Every Monday, Amber class have a focussed writing lesson. First they share their weekend news in talking partners. Each child then shares the weekend news of their partner to ensure they were actively listening. Jacqueline then shares her weekend news model which the children help to punctuate and identify different word types (adjectives, onomatopoeia, nouns etc). The children then work one to one with an adult to write their news. They have a checklist of features and punctuation to include: capital letters, full stops, full name, adjectives, two adjectives together separated by a comma, onomatopoeia words, and, because, ?, ! . They are fantastic at writing their weekend news.
Amber class have also been doing lots of speaking and listening skills activities. This has been extra challenging for them as when Jacqueline 'hides' the screen, they can only hear her voice therefore cannot lip read to help them. Amazing listening skills!
Below are some photos to show the amazing learning, work and screenshots of some of our lessons.
Wonderful Lessons, Learning and Work.
Autumn 1
Please find below our curriculum map for this term.