Curriculum Map - Down by the River
Summer 2 (2021)
English -Word Building
Maths Activities
Plants - Making Cress Heads
Curriculum Map Summer 1
Welcome Back
Attention Skills Fun
Mark Making
Matching Objects to Symbols
Easter Cookery
Matching Objects to Photographs
Spring 1 Curriculum Map - Art Attack
Our Christmas Breakfast - Part 2
Our Christmas Breakfast - Part 1
Light and shadows - here are a selection of photos linked to our Topic activities. The children explored lights and shadows
Dec the Door - Look at our lovely Christmas doorway. The children worked hard to make each light and to add snow to the snowman
Co-operation - Making paper chain decorations
Christmas Co-operation - The children enjoyed working together to decorate our class Christmas tree
English - Creating the scene for Little Red Riding Hood
Co-operation - staying still to be wrapped up before breaking free!
Children in Need Activities
Cookery - Crumpet Pizza
Little Red Riding Hood Dressing Up
Curriculum Map Autumn 2
Autumn 2 2020
Our team has changed a little ready for this half term. It includes myself (Ella-Marie) and:
Linda who oversees the class if I am out for short periods of time, but also supports teaching and learning every day.
Emily, who covers the class when I am out on Tuesday afternoons, leading specific activities.
Charlotte, Rashida and Shama complete the team.
We currently have five boys and three girls in the class.
This half term our topic is ‘Shine a Light and Celebrate’ which has a historical, RE and Science focus. We will be exploring:
RE celebrations and observances, such as, Remembrance Day, Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas,
Historical aspects including Guy Fawkes and Remembrance Day
Science investigating light, shadows, light sources, battery operated toys, electrical appliances / equipment and electrical circuits
We will also discuss safety
In English this half term we will be reading ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. The children will have opportunities to explore the book, name characters and actions, label pictures, develop fine motor and handwriting skills linked to the story, sequence the story and participate in roleplay or small world play.
We will also be participating in regular phonics sessions three times a week and the children's reading skills will be supported through matching activities, flashcards, games and reading books as appropriate throughout the week.
The children will have further opportunities to develop their fine motor and handwriting skills through weekly activities such as Dough Disco, Write Dance and handwriting activities.
Each week the children will revisit and develop skills linked to Maths areas:
Monday - Number
Tuesday - Using and Applying
Wednesday - Computing - Themed around different maths areas
Friday - Measure
These differentiated sessions will focus on: more / lots, matching and sorting similar objects, sorting by size, big / small, capacity, qualities and fast / slow.
Making Sandwiches
All About Me - Foods I like or Dislike
One to One Matching in Maths
Write Dance
Autumn 1
Please find below our curriculum map for this term.
Welcome Back
Hello and welcome back to school for another exciting year. It has been a different start to the year following the lockdown but the children are quickly becoming familiar with their new class and members of staff.
This Year we are in Green Class. As a team we would like to introduce ourselves. My name is Ella-Marie, but please feel free to call me Ella, and I am the teacher in Green Class. Within the class we have a fantastic team including:
Linda who oversees the class if I am out for short periods of time, but also supports teaching and learning every day.
Emily, who covers the class when I am out on Tuesday afternoons, leading specific activities.
Charlotte, Rashida and Amina complete the team and they support the children every day whilst making learning fun and rewarding.
This year we have six boys and three girls in the class.
This half term our topic is ‘All about me’ and they will be reflecting about themselves, their likes / dislikes, family and friends as well as exploring their sense and demonstrating an understanding of their body.
In English this half term we will be reading ‘Where’s the Bus’. The children will have opportunities to explore the book, name objects / animals / actions, label pictures, form sentences, respond to who and what questions to support comprehension and sequence the story through roleplay or small world play.
Amazon’s description of the book: Rabbit & Mouse find all sorts of interesting things to do while they wait for a bus to come. But there's no sign of a bus - or is there? Young children will love to spot all the buses in the illustrations - which the animals miss because they're too busy doing something else!
We will also be participating in regular phonics sessions three times a week and the children's reading skills will be supported through matching activities, flashcards, games and reading books as appropriate throughout the week.
The children will have further opportunities to develop their fine motor and handwriting skills through weekly activities such as Dough Disco, Write Dance and handwriting activities.
Each week the children will revisit and develop skills linked to Maths areas:
Monday - Number
Tuesday - Using and Applying
Wednesday - Computing - Themed around different maths areas
Friday - Measure
These differentiated sessions will focus on: matching, sorting, 2D / 3D shape, counting and one to one correspondence.
Throughout the term we hope to have a weekly walk or daily power walks to support the children in developing their skills of walking safely and develop their knowledge of the local area.
We are looking forward to this half term, making friends, becoming more independent, learning together and having fun!