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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Summer 2

Week 6 Update

In maths we explored capacity by making bubbles of different sizes using small and large hoops. We followed written instructions to make our own bubble solution using containers to pour from one to another.

In Art we created our own tie dye t-shirts to wear at East meets West Fest, choosing the colours we like to add to the shirts.

On Thursday we joined the whole school in celebrating at East meets West festival.

We all had so much fun performing our song ‘Drip, Drip’ to everyone, we also listened to other classes sing and we watched them dance to their own chosen songs.

Buddy Class Get Together

We had a visit from our buddies in Silver class! We had great fun playing outside.

Week 5 Update

In topic this week we have been exploring washing, cleaning and drying. We washed our clothes, the dishes, cars and dolls.

In Science, we brushed our teeth to make them clean. A few of us even had a visit from the mobile dentist last week and used the role play area in the classroom.

In Maths we followed written instructions to make our own Jam sandwiches, choosing to cut them into triangles or rectangles before eating them. We also created a sequence of pictures using first, next and finally.

We also had visitors to join us from silver class for an afternoon picnic.

Week 4 Update

This week in our topic we experimented with watercolours and foamy paints to create our underwater pictures.

We filled zip bags with water and tried to push as many pencils through the bags as we can before we pulled them out and watched the water fountain out.

In Maths we matched coloured shapes in sequence order repeating patterns.


As it has been such a lovely week of weather we used the communication aid to request fruit we like, we cut the fruit and made our own fruit ice lollies.

Week 3 Update

During this week we have been looking at the change of state!

We have made ice in topic and then used warm water to melt it in science!

We have also used cream and made our own butter!

In maths pupils have been making shape trains and in English we have been working on answering Who and Where questions.

On Monday we had an Eid party; pupils took part in different art based activities and had a big party in the hall!

We all had an amazing time on our trip to the Leighton Buzzard Splash park and Grove farm.

Week 2 Update

This week we have been learning and exploring colour mixing!


Pupils took part in different activities in order to mix the colours; we made handprint colour mixing, used a salad spinner, used spray-bottles and shredded paper and we also have painted the ice!

In maths, we have been learning about 2D shapes. Some pupils have been learning about the properties of different shapes and other pupils went on the shape hunt!

In English, we started to look at the “Where” question and we all went on the mini-beast hunt!


Welcome back!
This is our last term before we break up for the summer holidays and it is going to be a busy one!

Out topic this half-term is Splish! Splash! Splosh! and we will be learning all about the water. Pupils will take part in different activities related to water: change of state; water cycle; water experiments; making enormous bubbles; floating and sinking and we will also be making ice lollies!

In maths and science, we will be looking at the capacity; pupils will be developing their understanding of the terms empty and full and using measuring jugs.

We will be going to the Splash Park in Leighton Buzzard and the Grove Farm to pick up fruits and vegetables.

We will be updating our page on a weekly basis, so make sure you stay tuned!
Below is Hummingbird Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click to view to document or download the PDF on the link below.

Summer 1

Term Update

During this week we made an apple crumble in the cookery lesson (YUM!). We learnt how to sort objects by colour and made different patterns using beads and farm animals. Some pupils began to use a number line to add 1 more.


In English, we made Jasper using paper plates and decorated our display board; pupils have also been learning how to answer Who? What doing? What questions using colourful semantics strip.

On Thursday we had very interesting guests-Charlie and Sarah, 2 tortoises! Everyone in Hummingbird class enjoyed meeting them!


Check out the photos below!

Farm Trip!

We had a great time at the farm, we got to see lots of different animals and played on a giant inflatable.

Welcome back!

What a busy week we’ve had!

During our first week back we planted cress, radish and pea seeds with Vicky.

We have made fruit kebabs in cookery using Banana.

In maths we used dice to learn how to match and say numbers using dice!

And in English we started to read our new story – Jasper’s beanstalk!

Below is Hummingbird Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click to view to document or download the PDF on the link below.

Spring 2

Stage 4 attention skills. Working independently.


In Maths Hummingbird class have been busy working in a pizza shop. We have been using our number skills to count out toppings. We are learning about money to pay for the pizza. We are also learning how to pour drinks, so that we can say when a cup is full and empty. 

Using our communication aids to make our Aliens

Below is Hummingbird Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click to view to document or download the PDF on the link below.

Spring 1

Using PECS to make Venetian Masks

We dropped food off to the Luton Food Bank

Expressive Arts

Below is Hummingbird Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click to view to document or download the PDF on the link below.

Autumn 2

Week 4 in Hummingbird Class

Our topic this week was light and circuits.

Pupils learnt about shadows on Monday and traced shadows of their own hands.

On Wednesday pupils used wax crayons and water colours to make silhouette pictures.

In science some pupils looked for light switches around the school and learnt to say if it was dark or light. They then had lots of fun playing with different light up toys.

Some pupils learnt about circuits in science and made circuits on their own by following a circuit diagram.

In maths pupils were learning about money and how to sort coins by colour and size.

Looking into Mirrors in the day & night

We created firework landscapes

Week 1

During our first week back, we learnt about Diwali and Halloween.

Pupils were involved in different art activities and made fireworks, rockets and chocolate dipped apples.


We started to read a new story ‘The Gingerbread Man’ in English and pupils decorated their own Gingerbread Men.


Curriculum Map

The topic this half term is science based. Pupils will be learning about light and dark, day and night and simple circuits.  

Whizz bang is a physical science based topic. The topic curriculum is split into weekly themes:

Week 1: Diwali

Week 2: Fireworks

Week 3:Night and day

Week 4: Shadows and light

Week 5: Light and circuits

Week 6:Light and circuits

Week 7: Christmas


During cooking this half term we will be making a range of pastry based sweet and savory dishes.

Towards the end of the half term we will be making Christmas based snacks for our Christmas wonderland.


In Computing this half term pupils will learn how ICT can be used for a variety of purposes and in the end publish their own story.


Our expressive arts this half term pupils will take part in activities related to Country music. Pupils will also be working with a class on our West site to produce a join art piece for our side by side projects. During the first week we will be going over to our West site to meet with our buddy class to finalize our side by side piece.


This half term the theme for English is traditional tales. The chosen traditional tale for this half term is The Gingerbread Man. As with the Paper Dolls story from last half term we will be doing it in the style of an attention skills story, to capivate the childrens attention further.

Today we went on a monster hunt with the Massage story "Going on a monster hunt". We then made our own scary monsters.


In line with the Halloween theme we then made chocolate apples covered in sprinkles. 

Autumn 1

Starry Night Pictures

Hummingbird class have been recreating the starry night scene from our story Paper Dolls. We did some sensory swirly paint scenes on foil using cotton buds. Some children drew their starry scenes under the table, making them feel like they were looking up at the stars!

Making Faces

The Paper Dolls - by Julia Donaldson

As part of our morning wake up sessions we have been joining in with body percussion songs. All of the children love the popcorn song and are able to join in with it. You can practice it at home too!!


Popcorn - Beat & Body Percussion

Hello and welcome to Hummingbird class. In Hummingbird class we have Hannah who is class teacher, Katie who is a trainee teacher, Gemma W , Gemma B and Natalie are the teaching assistants. In the class we have 6 boys and 2 girls.


Please familiar yourself with the school website, this will be updated with photos and information about what we have been doing in class.


This half terms topic is “All about me”. We will be learning about our friends, family, things we like/dislike, and our senses.


In literacy we will be reading the story “Paper Dolls” by Julia Donaldson.

Please feel free to telephone me at school if you would like to discuss any of your child’s needs.

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