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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Hello and welcome to the Ruby Class page. My name is David and I am the class teacher. My TA3 is Nicola and we also have Madi, Claire and Sharon as the teaching assistants.

Summer 2

It's hard to believe we are in the final half term of what has been a fantastic year. This term we will be exploring the topic 'Fun in the Sun'. This topic will provide the children with a lot of opportunities to be outside having fun and keeping fit and healthy. Underpinning these experiences we will be learning about the important things we must do to stay safe in these temperatures (when they come) and protect us from the sun's harmful rays.

So far we have designed our own Sun Cream tubes, played Cricket as a whole year band, explored clothing and its suitability for the weather and been carrying out our only daily 'Sun Safety' checks. We also made Vegetable Wraps which we took to the local park for a picnic.

We have a lot more in store too with a Beach morning and Summer Festival.

In English we are reading 'The Day The Crayons Quit' alongside our regular weekly poetry and non fiction slots. The children are already really enjoying the characters and reading their letters to Duncan. Sharon and Tina have also transformed the back room into an Arts area for the children to make and create alongside the story.

In Maths we have started the term by looking at Measure and measuring out Cricket pitches, over the next few weeks we will continue to look at measure and specifically focus on Temperature which directly links into our topic.

I hope you are all enjoying the weekly newspaper and keeping updated with all the goings on in Ruby Class. The Ruby Ranger has been a huge success this year and a really popular way for our children to record and share their learning journey with you.


New Weekly Ruby Class News

Welcome to the 'Ruby Ranger' also known as the Ruby Class News. Every week two of our children (our Editors) will be working together to publish a page in the paper that captures their highlights from the week. We hope you enjoy! 



Spring 2 Update


In ICT this term the children have been learning how to use PowerPoint and how to research information safely on the internet. The children choose a topic to find out about and they typed information, changed fonts and colours of text, imported clip art and images from the web, added in animations and designs and some even embedded videos and sounds onto their PowerPoint. The children then stood up and presented their presentations to the rest of years 5/6. 

Sanya's Presentation

Rhia's Presentation

Oakley's Presentation

Kian's Presentation

Josiah's Presentation

Jake's Presentation

Irfan's Presentation

Ellis's Presentation

Anna's Presentation

Spring 2

This half term we will be exploring the topic 'The United Kingdom'. This topic will provide the children with a lot of opportunities to be creative and explore the cultures, traditions and historical facts about the countries that make up the UK. We have been assigned 'Wales' as our class country (My name is David Lloyd.....I couldn't resist it).


To open the Topic we started with a Traditional British Tea party with the obligatory Victoria Sponge and Cucumber sandwiches.

In literacy, we are reading 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' alongside our regular weekly poetry and non-fiction slots. The children are already really enjoying the characters and acting out the story. Augustus Gloop has already become a class favourite because of his love of food.

In Maths we have started the term by looking at Number and lots of our children have been learning about halves, enough and not enough and I am delighted to say some of the class have started work on addition and subtraction. 

We look forward to continuing to share our work and achievements throughout 2017.

I hope you are all enjoying the weekly newspaper and keeping updated with all the goings on in Ruby Class. The Ruby Ranger is a real class favourite and our very own Editors have been working incredibly hard alongside Tina to share their news with you all.

Can't wait to keep you updated with all the wonderful work and stories from our time together.

New Weekly Ruby Class News

Welcome to the 'Ruby Ranger' also known as the Ruby Class News. Every week two of our children (our Editors) will be working together to publish a page in the paper that captures their highlights from the week. We hope you enjoy! 


View the newspaper online here. This will be updated weekly.



'Fit as a Fiddle' is now over and 'Winter Wildlife' has begun.


This half term we will be exploring the topic 'Winter Wildlife' and learning about how the British Wildlife adapts to the cold weather during this season. Specifically we will be exploring the characteristics of these animals and their changing habitats. 

So far in topic we have been learning about Mice, insects, hedgehogs and rabbits. As you can imagine this has involved lots of Arts and Crafts and roleplay however Ruby class never seem to shy away from imaginative play so we've been having lots of fun. 

In Literacy we are reading the story 'One Snowy Night' as well as 'Cinderella'. 

The children absolutely love knocking on Percy's door and anticipating who might be there next. Mr Mole has also become a very fond favourite in Ruby class too!

We are also reading and acting out Cinderella in preparation for our Christmas performance so we hope to see you all there.  

Once again alongside our books we have been looking at topic related poetry and rhyme as well as handwriting and phonics and the children continue to make great progress.

In Maths we have been doing 'Geometry' and 'Measurement' learning about the basic properties of shapes, positional language, distance and temperature.

Most recently Ruby class designed their very own chair for our whole school art project 'Side by Side' and Rhia, our class council voice representative, did a wonderful job of exhibiting and sharing it with the whole school at East site.


This half term we have been exploring the topic 'Fit as a Fiddle'. It has been a really fun half term with lots of running as you can imagine and a brilliant year band trip to Jump. The children were exhausted but hopefully slept well.

So far in topic we have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods, the body and how to keep ourselves private and safe. We have also been taking part in a physical activity every week such as Zumba and team games.

In Literacy we have just read the story 'Ready Steady Mo' which was a lovely fun way to get to know the children and see how energetic and full of life they all are. They were masters of doing the 'Mobot' at the end. 
We are now reading 'Supertato' until the end of the half term which the children are really enjoying.

Alongside our books we have been looking at poetry and rhyme as well as handwriting and phonics and the children are making good early progress.

In Maths we have been doing 'number' looking at counting out and basic addition as well as handling money. We have also been playing games with dice.

We have also been exploring 'measure' and have been role-playing going to the shops and buying items of various sizes. 

 We look forward to sharing our work and stories with you throughout the year!

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