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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Summer 2

Mathematics - Exploring Capacity

Fun In The Sun - Sun Safety

Fun In The Sun - Sandpit

English - The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch - Reinacting the Story

English - Retelling Familiar Stories


This half term our topic is ‘Fun in the Sun’ and we will be will be learning about keeping safe in the sun. This will involve lots of practical activities, games and learning.


Our Values focus for the first half term is ‘Responsibility’.  We will look for opportunities to recognise this value. We are looking for the children to be responsible for their health, self-care, actions, for helping others and caring for their environment.  This also includes a take over day where the children take further responsibilities within the class such as answering the telephone and sending messages etc.  Individuals will be recognised in our assemblies where they receive a badge and a special certificate.  


In the cookery lessons this term the children will be making a variety of picnic foods.  



In English this half term we will be reading ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’, using a combination of the actual book, powerpoints and simplified text as appropriate.  The children will be exploring and re-enacting the story, completing sentences, comprehension tasks, sequencing the story and creating their own food baskets and sandwiches.  


Amazon’s description of the book: Once there was a lighthouse keeper called Mr. Grinling. At night time he lived in a small white cottage perched high on the cliffs, and in the daytime he rowed out to his lighthouse to clean and polish the light. Every day Mr Grinling tucks into delicious lunch, prepared by his wife, Mrs Grinling. But Mr Grinling isn't the only one who enjoys the tasty food, so Mrs Grinling has to think of a way to stop the greedy seagulls from stealing the lighthouse keeper's lunch.


On Mondays we will continue to share the children's weekend News.  Please send in a short comment to help us guide the children so they can recall what they have been doing over the weekend.  


Our regular phonics sessions will continue three times a week and the children's reading skills will be supported through matching activities, flashcards, games and reading books as appropriate throughout the week.  Speaking and Listening activities will take place weekly to help support the development of active listening, responding and speech.


The children will have further opportunities to develop their fine motor and handwriting skills through weekly activities such as Dough Disco, Write Dance and handwriting activities.



The Mathematics curriculum is taught through a rolling rota of Number, Geometry and Measure.  These differentiated sessions will focus on counting, halving, fractions, capacity, statistics, similarities / differences, ordinal numbers and comparing day and night / light and dark.



The focus of Computing is skills based  and the children will largely be completing their own booklets about Richmond Hill School, making posters, leaflets, cards and invitations, some of which will link to the Year 6 Prom!  The children will be using their typing skills using qwerty keyboards as well as using various programs to complete Topic-based tasks and Mathematical activities.


Throughout the term we will continue to have a weekly walk to support the children in developing their road safety awareness and knowledge of the local area.  We are looking for children to continually become more aware of their surroundings and to keep themselves safe with reduce adult support. We are also hoping to have a visit from the Police to also focus on keeping safe and being responsible.   



We will continue to swim on Tuesdays.  Please send in swimming kits and towels each week.  We will continue to work on independent undressing, drying and dressing whilst maintaining privacy.  In PSHE we will continue with our ‘growing up’ sessions, recapping on prior learning about the changes they will experience as their bodies change through puberty.


If you have any questions or queries please feel free to write in the home / school diary.

Below is Diamond Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document or click the PDF file to download.

Summer 1

Eating out

As a class we had a lovely meal out.


The children have been using different devices to record sounds and pictures. 

Making sets in Mathematics

Some of the children have been busy making sets, for example 2 sets of 5.

Topic Water Water Everywhere

The children tasted different types of water. Some were delicious but some they did not like.

Topic Water Water Everywhere

The children enjoyed making an ocean in a bottle. They added send, plants,  fish and coloured water. They look great.

The Enormous Crocodile

The children have become more familiar with our class story. Here we are joining in with a sensory story version of The Enormous Crocodile.

Welcome Back



This half term our topic is ‘Water, Water Everywhere’ and we will be looking at sources of water (such as rivers, ponds and oceans), the water cycle and weather, uses of water, water pollution and keeping safe. We will participate in a range of investigations, watch video clips and explore first hand.  


Our Values focus for the first half term is ‘Happiness’.  We will look for opportunities to recognise this value and what or how we create happiness.  This will carried out in class and throughout the week and individuals will be recognised in our assemblies.  


In the cookery lessons this term the children will be making a variety of cakes using a range of equipment, working small scale and on a larger scale, e.g. individual cakes or cakes to share.  



In English this half term we will be reading ‘The Enormous Crocodile’, using a combination of the actual book, powerpoints and simplified text as appropriate.  The children will focus on re-enacting the story, completing sentences, comprehension tasks, sequencing the story and creating their own versions, linking this to their Computing work.  


Amazon’s description of the book: The Enormous Crocodile is very greedy and loves eating children! But the other animals plan to ruin his wicked schemes and teach him a lesson.


On Mondays we will continue to share the children's weekend News.  Please send in a short comment to help us guide the children so they can recall what they have been doing over the weekend.  


Our regular phonics sessions will continue three times a week and the children's reading skills will be supported through matching activities, flashcards, games and reading books as appropriate throughout the week.  Speaking and Listening activities will take place weekly to help support the development of active listening, responding and speech.


The children will have further opportunities to develop their fine motor and handwriting skills through weekly activities such as Dough Disco, Write Dance and handwriting activities.



The Mathematics curriculum is taught through a rolling rota of Number, Geometry and Measure.  These differentiated sessions will focus on counting, similarities / differences, length / height, making sets and enough / not enough.  Money and capacity will taught cross curricular.



The focus of Computing is ‘Photography and Videoing’ where the children will use equipment to take photographs and short videos. They will record sounds, words and actions, where appropriate following a script or storyboard. During our computing topic sessions the children will be completing different tasks linked to either our topic ‘Water, Water Everywhere’ or used to support English and Mathematics skills to extend and consolidate their learning.


Throughout the term we will continue to have a weekly walk to support the children in developing their road safety awareness and knowledge of the local area.  We are looking for children to become more aware of their surroundings and in keeping themselves safe with reduce adult support.



During this term we will have the responsibility of the school Tuck Shop.  The children will help to order / buy the products before running the shop with support every Friday.



The half term we will be swimming on Tuesdays.  Please send in swimming kits and towels each week.  We will continue to work on independent undressing, drying and dressing whilst maintain privacy.  In PSHE we will continue with our ‘growing up’ sessions, recapping on prior learning about the changes they will experience as their bodies change through puberty.


If you have any questions or queries please feel free to write in the home / school diary.

Below is Diamond Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document or click the PDF file to download.

Spring 2

Buddy Fun

English - Cleversticks

The children have enjoyed reading the story 'Cleversticks'.  They have been exploring how to use chopsticks themselves and they were all amazing! 

Science - Flower and Plants

The children have been investigating flowers and plants, looking carefully at each one.  They have looked at petals, flowers, stems. leaves, thorns and roots using a magnifying glass. They have talked about their similarities and differences, looking at colour, size and shape as well as their own ideas.  The children helps to make and label a plant as we talked about the different parts of a part and what they do. 


This half term our topic is ‘Great, Great Britain - The United Kingdom’ and we will be looking at a range of traditions linked to Britain, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.  We will explore maps, flags, food, music and traditions linked to each country. Through music they will also explore elements culture diversity and various instruments and dances.  


Our Values focus for the first half term is ‘Honesty’.  We will look for opportunities to celebrate the children demonstrating the skill of being honest and telling the truth through real activities and role played situations.  This will be recognised in our assemblies.


In the cookery lessons this term the children will be making a variety of noodles using a range of fresh healthy produce, following recipes and verbal / visual prompts.  



In English this half term we will be reading ‘Cleversticks’.  The children will focus on sentence development, punctuation, comprehension and sequence.


Amazon’s description of the book: Ling Sung dreads going to school. There are too many

things the other kids can do that he can't. When he discovers everyone admires

his ability to use chopsticks, Ling Sung is empowered.


On Mondays we will be sharing the children's weekend News.  Thank you so much in supporting us by telling us what you have been doing over the weekend.  Please keep sending in information as it really helps.


Our regular phonics sessions will continue three times a week and the children's reading skills will be supported through matching activities, flashcards, games and reading books as appropriate throughout the week.     


The children will have further opportunities to develop their fine motor and handwriting skills through weekly activities such as Dough Disco, Write Dance and handwriting activities.



The Mathematics curriculum is taught through a rolling rota of Number, Geometry and Measure.  These differentiated sessions will focus on numbers (rhymes / odd and even), pattern, time, comparing quantities, positional language and capacity.



The focus of Computing is ‘Coding’ where the children will use a variety of computer programs to develop their skills in inputting code for a desired reaction. During our computing topic sessions the children will be completing different tasks linked to our ‘Great, Great Britain - The United Kingdom’ topic or used to support English and Mathematics skills to extend and consolidate their learning.


Throughout the term we will continue to have a weekly walk to support the children in developing their road safety awareness and knowledge of the local area.  We are looking for children to become more aware of their surroundings and in keeping themselves safe with reduce adult support.


In PSHE we will continue with our ‘growing up’ sessions, talking more about the changes they will experience as their bodies change through puberty.


If you have any questions or queries please feel free to write in the home / school diary.


Below is Diamond Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Spring 1

Topic - Black Culture - African Music

The children explored different drumbeats using a range of drums. They also created their own African necklaces ready for our assembly performance. 

Science - Waterproof or Not

Many of the children had fun exploring different materials to see if they were waterproof.  Sometime the children were disappointed that they weren't waterproof!

Science - Exploring Flowers

Some of the children have been exploring flowers through sight, touch and smell.  They have pulled some apart looking at the petals and stems. 

Mathematics - Sorting Coin / Objects

The children have been working hard to match objects and coins.  They have looked carefully to find the 'same'.  We have now been using this in our morning snack time where the children have to now buy the snacks they want to eat using pennies. 

English - Making a Giant Jam Sandwich

To introduce our book 'The Giant Jam Sandwich' the children role-played making their own giant jam sandwich and trapping the wasps inside!!!!

Welcome to 2019!  We are looking forward to yet another exciting term in school.



This half term our topic is ‘Black Culture’ and we will be looking at a number of individuals who have had an impact on us all through their actions, music or sporting skills.  The children will participate in a range of activities to help them to recognise these people and what they have done. They will be involved in role play activities and this will also link with our Expressive Arts topic of ‘This is Me’.  Through music they will also explore elements of black culture. In Art / Design and Technology the children will create work celebrating diversity and acceptance as well as specific activities linked to Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Usain Bolt and Bob Marley.


Our Values focus for the first half term is Determination.  We will look for opportunities to celebrate the children demonstrating the skill of determination and this will be recognised in our assemblies.  


In the cookery lessons this term the children will be making a variety of omelettes using a range of fresh healthy produce, following recipes and verbal / visual prompts.  



In English this half term we will be reading ‘The Giant Jam Sandwich’.  The children will have opportunity to explore rhyme as well as sentence development, comprehension and sequence using written and verbal instructions.


Amazon’s description of the book: One hot summer in Itching Down, Four million wasps flew into town. What are the villagers going to do about this noisy, nasty nuisance of a swarm? Make a giant jam sandwich - that's what!


On Mondays we will be sharing the children's weekend News.  It would really help us if you could let us know what your child has done over the weekend so we can support them in recalling past events so that they can share their news with others.  This could be a simple note, a photograph, a leaflet, a receipt or a little drawing in / or placed in the home - school diary.


We will also be participating in regular phonics sessions three times a week and the children's reading skills will be supported through matching activities, flashcards, games and reading books as appropriate throughout the week.     


The children will have further opportunities to develop their fine motor and handwriting skills through weekly activities such as Dough Disco, Write Dance and handwriting activities.



The Mathematics curriculum is taught through a rolling rota of Number, Geometry and Measure.  These differentiated sessions will focus on comparing length, more / less, enough / not enough, capacity, estimating and counting as well as recognising similarities or differences and using money.



The focus of Computing is ‘Design and Animation’’ where the children will use a variety of computer programs to develop their skills in designing familiar items and working to create short animations which they can then play back.  During our computing topic sessions the children will be completing different tasks linked to our ‘Black Culture’ topic or linked to English and Mathematics skills to extend and consolidate learning.


Throughout the term we hope to have a weekly walk to support the children in developing their road safety awareness and knowledge of the local area.


In PSHE we will continue with our ‘growing up’ sessions, talking more about the changes they will experience as their bodies change through puberty.


If you have any questions or queries please feel free to write in the home / school diary.  As you know we have now fully moved in to our new classroom and beginning to settle. We are looking forward to having fun and learning lots!


Please refer to the Diamond Class curriculum overview for this half term for more details about the curriculum for this half term, you can view this below.

Autumn 2

Topic - Rabbit Warren

In our topic work we have been looking at different winter wildlife and their habitats.  The children dressed up as rabbits and moved through a warren built in our classroom.  They had great fun trying to find their bunny friend and the toy carrots!

Maths - Mazes

The children have been exploring mazes.  They have had to move themselves and objects through a maze to get to a different place.  They had opportunities to create their own mazes  Some even described which directions they had to move in. They were all amazing!!!!!!

Topic Computing

The children have explored several activities to develop their mouse skills, targeting skills and to develop their understanding of insects and mini-beasts as part of our topic work.


Welcome back to the second part of the Autumn Term.  Ahead we have lots of exciting things to look forward to as we move towards Christmas.


The topic we are exploring this half term is ‘Winter Wildlife’.  The children will be learning about different winter wildlife. They will be exploring their habitats, their diet, their appearance and the features which help them to survive.  This will involve visits to our local woodland area where we hope to see some winter wildlife ourselves! We aim for focus on hedgehogs, squirrels, foxes, badgers, mice, insects, rabbits, deer and owls / birds.


Image result for snow white


We will be focusing on Traditional Tales for this half term and the book we have selected is ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’.  This should be particularly interesting as many of the children will be watching this at the pantomime in December. This story also contains lots of winter wildlife which will link to our topic and help to consolidate learning.  Watching the pantomime and becoming familiar with the story will help the children as we will be using it as our own Christmas production which we hope you will be able to come and see.


Shortly we will be starting our PSHE ‘growing up’ sessions which I think the children will like learning about.  They may ask you questions as well to help them make sense of the changes to their bodies.


Please refer to the Diamond Class curriculum overview for this half term for more details about the curriculum for this half term, you can view this below.

Autumn 1

Our Scarecrow

We decided to take our inspiration from the garden and use old flowerpots to create our own scarecrow.  The children worked hard to thread string through the holes to join flowerpots together.  Then they had to tie knots to hold them together making arms, legs, a body and a head.  The children worked hard and had fun.  Look at our wonderful scarecrow!

Hockey Sticks

As part of our topic the children designed and recreated their own hockey sticks.  Here they can be seen designing them on paper first before using paint to add their design to the hockey stick.

Our Pre Kingswood Document!


The children have been working hard inside and out as part of their gardening experience.  Here the children are busily cleaning out the pots ready for the next lot of seeds and seedlings.

Mathematics Heavy and Light 

The children have been exploring weight.  They have been moving heavy and light objects, comparing the weight of different items to find the heaviest or lightest and they have also had to make one side heavier than the other using rice or play dough.

Computing Topic Work

The children have used a number of ICT programs to further develop their understanding of the human body.  Here the children are exploring the x-ray machine to see the skeleton hidden inside their body. 

Topic and PSHE - Fit as a Fiddle 

We have been talking about hygiene and keeping clean.  The children worked very hard to recall the sequence of actions to make sure their hands were clean using warm water, soap, a good rubbing action and then rinsing away the soapy bubbles before drying their hands.  Good work Diamond Class!

Fit as a Fiddle Assembly

This week the children explored body pump. They used their own 'dumbbells' and followed the actions of the adult making their muscles work hard, getting hot and sweaty before cooling down after their exercise 

Below is Diamond Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Hello and welcome back to school for another exciting year.  This Year we will be in Diamond Class. Many of you will already know me but as a team we would like to introduce ourselves.  My name is Ella-Marie, but please feel free to call me Ella, and I am the teacher in Diamond Class. Within the class we have a fantastic team including: Linda (TA2) who leads the class on Thursday afternoon as well as supporting throughout the week.  Leanne, Lyn and Sandra complete the team (TA1s) and support the children whilst make learning fun and rewarding. This year the we have six boys and two girls in the class.



This half term our topic is ‘Fit as a Fiddle’ and we will be looking at the human body, health, fitness and diet. The children will participate in a range of activities to help them to recognise features of the body and understand how the body works.  They will explore healthy and snack foods and learn about the importance of exercise. The children will join in with physical activities to help them to develop their understanding of ‘fitness’ and they will hopefully get to meet with some footballers too.  In Art/D&T the children will be completing different tasks linked to our ‘Fit as a Fiddle’.


In the cookery lessons this term the children will be making a variety of fajitas-style dishes using and range of fresh healthy produce, following recipes and verbal / visual prompts.  



In English this half term we will be reading ‘Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs’.  The children will have opportunity to explore well known characters, complete sentences to support comprehension and sequence the story.

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