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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Summer 2

Dough Disco

Here are some new dough discos for you to enjoy at home. The songs have been adapted to be all about dough.

Summer 1

Body Percussion

Here is a link for resources on body percussion. Using our bodies to make sounds is something we do lots of at school.

Story - Everybody Worries


Click Here

Dough Disco

Please find below two Dough Disco videos. Click the links below to watch the videos.


Dough Disco - Fleur East - Sax


Dough Disco - Taylor Swift - Shake it Off

I know lots of you really enjoy water play so below are some ideas of how you can play with water at home.

Here are some rainbow activities to brighten up your day!

Sound Activity

Here is a link to a website where you can use your voices to make the balls move. You can practise making loud sounds, quiet sounds and even animal sounds.

Sensory Exploration

Below are some ideas to encourage sensory exploration. I hope you have fun giving them a go. 

Keep Moving

Here are a variety of ways to get moving. Some of them could even be attempted outside to enjoy the sunshine.

Using balloons to encourage communication

Below are some fun ideas of how you can use balloons to encourage communication.

Summer 1 Activities

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The very hungry caterpillar read by Chrissie


Click Here

Kitchen Activities

Below are some great ideas to keep you busy in the kitchen.


Rice is a wonderful resource many of us have in our homes. Please see below for some great guidance on how you can use rice to engage in sensory play.

Spring 2

Gross Motor Skills

Below are some wonderful ideas to improve gross motor skills using a ball.

Colander Activities

Below are some great activities to try with a colander.

Easter Home Learning Ideas

Home Learning

Below are some fantastic learning ideas you can do at home. They cover a range of learning goals from role play to communication and use everyday things from your home.

Taste Safe Paint

Here is a fantastic recipe that you could make with your child at home. 
It can be kept in the fridge for up to 6 months and would be great for children to explore paints safely and create their own artwork.

Sensory Art Ideas

Please see below for some ideas for some lovely sensory art ideas.

Sensory Bottles

Please see below some guidance on how to make and use sensory bottles.

Down on the farm

Our topic next half term is down on the farm. See below for some lovely activities based around this topic including some lovely sensory ideas.

Home Learning

Moana Themed Activities

Below are some great creative Moana themed activities which will help develop communication and fine motor skills. Don’t forget to get moving to some of the songs at the end (link below).

Autism - how does Intensive Interaction help people with ASD?

A short description of the aims and working principals of Intensive Interaction, and the benefits of the approach to people with ASD. There is also some over...

The Good Morning Song

The Good Morning

Still image for this video

Dough Disco

At school the children regularly take part in dough disco to help develop their finger strength and fine motor skills. Here are some videos you can try with your child. These could be done once a day as repetition is great! 


Here is a handy no-cook playdough recipe that you can make at home. You could also get your child involved in making it with you!

Best Ever No-Cook Play Dough Recipe – Simply mix then kneed all the ingredients together


  • 2 cups plain flour
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (baby oil and coconut oil work too)
  • 1/2 cup salt.
  • 2 tablespoons cream of tartar.
  • 1 to 1.5 cups boiling water (adding in increments until it feels just right)
  • food colouring (optional)

World Book Day

'We celebrated World Book Day with the 'Three Little Pigs'



Please find below our curriculum map for this term

Spring 1

Snakes & Ladders Trip

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Autumn 2

We love cooking!

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

We Love PE!

Autumn 1

We have been very busy in Penguin Class...

Our First Day

We have had lots of fun getting to know our new friends in Penguin Class.

My name is Sarah and I am one of the class teachers. I teach Penguin Class on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Sarah Q teaches on a Thursday and Friday. Hollie is our TA3 and Becky and Leah are our TA1s.

This half term our topic is ‘All About Me’ which focuses on learning about ourselves and other people. We will be looking at naming different parts of the body, using our 5 senses and discussing our likes and dislikes. We will also be doing lots of different activities to help the children get to know the people around us such as our friends and family.

Our English book this half term is called ‘Silly Suzy Goose’. We have already started to learn the actions and sounds of the different animals in the story!

I look forward to meeting you at our ‘meet the teacher’ session and to working with you all during the year. Please keep looking at our class page to see pictures and descriptions of what we are getting up to in Penguin class!

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