Summer 2
Splish Splash Splosh
Summer 1
Term Update!
We have had lots of hands-on experience of petting animals. The children had a lovely time at Mead Open Farm. They enjoyed the animal visit to the school. In cookery, the children worked in pairs to make a delicious apple crumble, it was so yummy!
Below is Budgie Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click to view to document or download the PDF on the link below.
Spring 2
Literacy Photos
We have been reading the Toys Party in Literacy, the children made a shopping list and then we went to Asda to buy the ingredients. We then used the ingredients to make kippers cake just like Kipper did.
Making Cookies
Scanning and paying at ASDA
Expressive Arts
Dough Disco
Welcome back
Another busy and exciting half term in Budgie class. Our topic this half term is "Leave Your Mark" which involves the pupils experiencing and working with different materials. We will be doing lots of activities associated with mark making. We will leave our mark working with papier mache, clay, printing, collages, and photography.
In English our book this half term is "Monsters Love Colours". The book looks at different colours and what happens when they are mixed with the different coloured monsters. We will link this book to both our topic and our Expressive Arts lessons.
In Maths we will continue to teach a broad curriculum and link it to our topic lessons whenever we can. Please do use any opportunity when you are out with your children to do simple Maths with them. This can be counting steps or looking for shapes, every little thing will help your child.
We will be going on a trip to do different rubbings on a variety of surfaces, details will be sent home in the homeschool books.
In Cookery we will be making different cookies using the same basic recipe. The children will be encouraged to do as much as they can by themselves so that by the end of the term they will be able to complete the task as independently as possible.
In Science, we will be working with different materials investigating their properties and testing them in different ways.
Please keep an eye on our class page for updates and photos and remember to use the home/school book if you have any questions or need to update or share the news with us.
Below is Budgie Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click to view to document or download the PDF on the link below.
Spring 1
We went on a bear hunt at Ashridge Park
Making Jam Tarts in Cookery!
Welcome to a new term which we hope will be as fun and enjoyable for the children as the previous one. Our topic this half term is ‘Showtime’ and we will be linking our work to our literacy book ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. This topic will provide the opportunity for the children to film a performance based on the story about a family who go on a bear hunt through different settings. They will make their own props and costumes, record sounds and will act out the story to produce a film using our green screen.
Literacy lessons will involve sequencing the story, matching pictures and text and labelling. The children will have sensory opportunities to experience parts of the story for real, such as walking through water, mud, twigs and grass.
We will be writing to you soon asking you to send in your child’s favourite teddy as they will be invited to come to our teddy bears picnic. We have also planned a trip to the Rushmere Country park so we can go on our very own exciting bear hunt; a letter with all the information will be with you soon.
In Maths we will be working on number, geometry and measure, we will as usual take lots of photos as your children lean and we hope you enjoy those that are shared with you on our web page.
Autumn 2
Curriculum Map
Welcome to Autumn 2 in Budgie Class.
We have a busy half planned with lots of different exciting learning opportunities. This half term in literacy, we will be working on the traditional tale ‘The Gingerbread Man’. The children will be making a range of different gingerbread men using different materials. The story will link to some of our cookery lessons where we will each make a delicious gingerbread man to bring home. In cookery we will also be making a selection of sweet and savoury foods using different types of pastry.
In Maths we will be working on number, geometry and measure and will be posting photos of our learning to share with you, please keep looking at our webpage.
Our topic this half term is Whizz Bang and we will be learning about different celebrations such as Diwali, bonfire night and Christmas. The topic will also provide us with lots of fun Science opportunities where we will be learning about night and day, light and dark and shadows.
Autumn 1
Using our Senses!
Preparing for our Harvest Festival
We made Different Sandwiches in Cookery including Cheese & Cucumber and Tuna & Mayo
In Maths, we will be learning new skills in number, shape and measure. So far we have been working on counting up to three and comparing objects to find the same.
We have PE on a Monday and a Thursday, PE kits will be kept in school and then sent home each half term holiday. In cookery, we are making a range of sandwiches and in ICT we are focussing on mark making where the children will be creating pictures and art using different programs and tools.
We are very excited to have been paired up with Sapphire Class at West site. We will spend time with them throughout the year doing different activities and plan to go on a joint trip. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children make new friends and have new experiences.
Please remember to use the home/school book if you have any questions or news to share.
Welcome to Budgie Class where we are looking forward to a fun filled year, learning together through a range of exciting experiences. I am Anita the class teacher and I am supported by a fantastic team who are Jane, Hollie, Ellie and Beena.
Our Topic this half term is ‘All About Me’ which has a PSHE and Science focus. We will be learning all about ourselves; naming different body parts, using our senses, finding out what we like and dislike, and sharing things about ourselves so that we get to know each other better.
In English, our work is be based around the book "Monkey Puzzle" by Julia Donaldson and already the children are enjoying the story very much.