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Summer 2
I can't believe this is our last term. To think we are nearing the end of year 6 and will soon be saying goodbye. Ruby class continued to make great progress last half term both academically and in terms of their personal development.
Throughout the last half term we did many varied activities alongside the topic 'Water water everywhere', from exploring absorption and resistance in science to looking at the various uses of water.
In literacy we have been working incredibly hard on speaking and listening and are really proud to see the children initiating in conversation and using new language and extended sentences throughout the day.
In Numeracy we have been looking at measure and number and have completed several water based experiments where we have recorded data based on different materials collecting and containing rain water. Some of the children have been working on calculations, adding on and taking away and using the appropriate signs to show the working out of these sums.
This half term we will be doing the topic 'Fun in the Sun' and learning all about the traditions of British Fetes. We will also be spending time in PSHE looking at the changes and transitions our class will be going through over the next few months.
Please keep in touch via the home school books to find out about the trips and progress of your children. We can't wait to celebrate all their achievements at the end of the year.
Summer 1
Numeracy activities
Topic activities - water, water everywhere!
Spring 2
This half term we will be doing the topic 'Rule Britannia' and learning all about the traditions and customs of the countries within the United Kingdom.
Please keep in touch via the home school books to find out about the trips and progress of your children and we look forward to being able to share with you their achievements.
Spring 1- Round up
I can't believe we are half way through term 2. Ruby class have made incredible progress this half term and it is lovely to see the children really settled and enjoying their achievements.
Throughout the last half term we did many varied activities alongside the topic 'Travelling By', from making hot air balloons to catching the train and visiting the glider club.
In literacy we have been reading 'Jude and the Journey' and the children have been working hard on learning new vocabulary as well as asking and answering basic questions to develop comprehension skills.
In Numeracy some of the children have been exploring new positional language and using and applying it to everyday classroom tasks. Some of the children have been working on calculations, adding on and taking away and using the appropriate signs to show the working out of these sums.
Spring 1
The first term flew by in Ruby class and it was a joy to see all of the children interacting and progressing with their learning.
Throughout the last half term we did many varied activities alongside the topic 'Kings and Queens', from making crowns and thrones to attending royal banquets and balls. We had a lovely trip to a play castle in Stopsley and the children enjoyed role playing protecting the King or Queen from attack.
In literacy we have been reading 'Your day on the throne' and 'The Emperor's new clothes' and the children have been working hard on their comprehension skills as well as understanding the emotions of the characters in the stories.
In Numeracy we have been focusing on 'using and applying' and have been working a lot with positional language, completing mazes and working out alternative ways of completing everyday classroom tasks.
This half term we will be doing the topic 'Travelling by' and learning all about the many different ways we take journeys. In addition to this we will also be learning about our environment and community looking at the many different landmarks throughout the town and the varied foods our diverse community eat.
Autumn 1
Hello, my name is David Lloyd and I am the class teacher of Ruby class. Jenny is our TA2 and the other staff in the class are Charlotte, Hannah and Tina.
The children in Ruby class are Hasnain, Annie, Saaim, Shivangi, Antonio, Thaiba, Gino and Mohamed.
For the autumn term our topic is ‘Fit as a Fiddle’ and we will be learning all about our bodies.
So far Ruby class have been getting to know one another and painting self-portraits. I think you’ll agree Ruby class are an artistic bunch.
Our Portraits
Numeracy activities
Topic work 'Fit as a Fiddle'
Autumn 1 - Recap
It's been a busy first half term in Ruby class and all of the children are settling in well together.
This half term we have done many varied activities alongside the topic 'Fit as a Fiddle', from making healthy food faces, to designing and painting our own trainers. As well as this we have also been learning about how the body changes from birth to old age and it was an absolute delight to see the children with my baby Jude who paid us a visit.
In literacy we have been reading 'Cinderboy', 'Handa's Surprise' and 'Jude and the Dragon' and the children have really enjoyed learning about how to keep fit, healthy fruits and healthy behaviour; focusing on being kind to others.
In Numeracy we have been focusing on measure and ordinal numbers as well as estimation so as you can imagine there have been lots of competitions and races to determine who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd and how fast or far they went.
Ruby class wish you all a lovely half term break and look forward to starting back with our new topic 'Kings and Queens' next half term.