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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Summer 1 Recap


What a fun half term we have had. The children have enjoyed learning about the Jolly Postman story. We've been on a Jolly Postman trail, written letters, learnt our address, posted some invitations, done some character hot seating, acted out parts of the story concentrating on characters voices and lots, lots more.



We even made a soundscape for the story, have a listen here:

Diamond Class Soundscape May 2016.mp3

We had a fantastic trip to Jump where the children spent a full hour jumping around and getting hot and sweaty!
We have had great fun meeting all the superheroes during our topic; Powerful push, Pretty Pull, Super Spinner, Rapid Roller, Magnet Man, Furious Friction, Ultra Up and Danger Down. 
Each super hero set the children a challenge so we put on our capes and went out and about to complete the challenges. 


We've created some lovely art and crafts work too.
Still to come is the Movie premier of year 5/6 Superhero films that they have made with the ICT team and will premier to parents on Thursday!

Our topic this half term is  'Up Up and Away'.The children will be learning about different types of air transport and learning about forces in science. 


We will be going on a trip to watch the aeroplanes at Luton Airport take off and land, and we are planning a trip to Duxford Museum to look at different planes, old and new.


In literacy we are using colourful semantics to help with our sentence structure and we are reading the story- ‘Grandpa’s Great Escape’ by David Walliams. 

Have a look on David’s website for more information:


In maths we are using Numicon to help us develop our maths skills. So far we have learnt to count, add, subtract, and find out odd and even numbers using numicon. 


We’ve also played games such as snakes and ladders, but with a numicon dice. We’ve also had some fun games as lesson starter such as; fill the board, hide and seek and  matching pairs.


Maths activities

We had a brilliant time at Duxford, we saw so many different planes and helicopters!


We saw some really old planes like in our story book 'Grandpa's great escape' and we were lucky to walk inside the famous Concorde plane!


The children were all so well behaved and today in ICT we have written about what we saw and what our favourite plane was! Here are some of our photos: 

Spring 1


Happy New Year!!!!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and new year! The children enjoyed telling us all about it!


This half term our topic is Talking Textures where we will investigate different materials and their properties. We will also be making picture frames, learning to sew and weave, creating paintings on canvas, painting using glass paints, printing and making models out of Fimo.


Our cookery also links to different textured foods.


Our literature is The Rainbow Fish -


In maths we will be learning about money, time and measure.


In Computing we will be learning how to use the internet to research something we like and then putting this information to make a power point presentation.


Another busy half term!



Autumn 2 re-cap

WOW! I can't believe it is nearly Christmas already!


What a busy half term, we have had elections for the school council, a superhero charity day for CIN, a trip to Stockwood Park to hunt for the Elves golden shoes, Kingswood, Cardinal Newman's Christmas party, year 5/6 Christmas disco, a trip to town to see Father Christmas and a treat at McDonald's, Peter Pan panto, school Christmas dinner and finishing with our Christmas performance this week!!!


Thank you all for your continued support and involvement it really does make a difference!


Please have a look below at some of our favourite activities from this half term...

Autumn 2

Our topic this half term is 'Mission to Mars' where the children will be learning about space, the planets, the sun, stars and the moon, as well as aliens, rockets and astronauts! In science they will be learning about light and dark and electricity. We have a fantastic space station in class which the children are acting as spacemen/ women and zooming off all over space! 
We have painted some lovely Van Gogh 'Starry night' paintings which we now have decorating our classroom!

Our literature for this half term is the traditional tale 'The Elves and the Shoemaker', We are going to go on the Golden Shoe trail at Stockwood Discovery Centre!


We are using the tale to learn about writing instructions, learning key words, all about characters, settings and the plot and doing some acting. We also have a shoe shop role play area to enhance their learning. 


In cookery we are making soup and bread this half term to develop skills such as preparing vegetables, chopping, peeling, grating and kitchen safety when using knives and the hob.


There are a few fussy eaters in Diamond class but we are pleased that since September they are now having a tiny taste and enjoying making new foods.

Topic activities

Year 5 & 6 year band newsletter


Hello and welcome back to a new term!


This half term our topic is ‘Down in the Jungle’ and our classroom and corridor is already turning into our very own RHS jungle!

In Literacy we will be looking at the story Giraffes can’t dance by Giles Andreae and Guy Parker- Rees. The children will be working on this story learning about adjectives, verbs and nouns as well as sentence structure and some lovely drama work. Have a look at this lovely animation of the story…


"Giraffes Can't Dance"

In maths we will be covering all areas and have a look in the back of your child’s home school book to find out which strand we will be covering each week.


We have a new lesson at RHS for this year called ‘Creative arts’ this incorporates aspects of art and crafts, drama, music, role play, singing, dancing and design. In years 5/6 we are putting together a performance based on our individual class animal to show our friends and family at the end of the half term (a letter will follow soon).


We will all be singing and dance to ‘The animal boogie’ so have a practice at home so you can join in too!


The Animal Boogie

Our class animal is Monkeys, here are our lovely drawings and collages of our class monkeys, we’ve also been learning about some monkey facts, did you know…

  • There are 264 species of Monkey’s.

  • Some Monkeys live on the ground and some live in trees.

  • Monkeys eat fruit, insects, flowers, leaves and reptiles.

  • A group of Monkeys is known as a Tribe.

  • The Mandrill is the largest type of monkey.

  • Monkeys have feelings just like humans.

  • Spider monkeys get their name because of their long arms, legs and tail.

  • Monkeys groom each other.

Our monkey drawings

Animations in Computing

Trip to Whipsnade Zoo

Lulu the Baby Lioness | A Kids Yoga Adventure!

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