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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Summer 2 


Home Learning Link 


Each day videos and activities will be uploaded onto the school website to support with home learning. Please click on the link below to assess the videos.

Click Here



Purple Mash

Learning activities will continue to be set on purple mash. I can not wait to see all your hard work. Make sure you remember to leave me a little comment with your work. 


Topic Work 

This Term`s topic is Plants. Please find below some activities that you may want to do at home all about plants. Look our for some more Topic activities on purple mash. 

Here is a link to a video about how a sunflower grows.

                 Summer 1

This half term our Topic is Mini Beasts. Each week we will be learning about a different Minibeast.

Mini Beast Over view

Here some wonderful pictures of our Home Learning

Week 4 Snails and other bugs

Snail Topic Video Link 

Tuesday Activities

Wednesday Activities

Thursday Activities

Friday Activities

Snail Stories

Links to stories 


The Snail and the Whale


Snail Brings the Mail


Week 3 Spiders

Thursday Activities

Friday activity 

Topic activities has been set on your purple mash account. 


Week 2 - Bees 

Week 2 Bees Overview

Body Parts - Youtube Link

Bee Life Cycle Powerpoint

Friday activities 

Topic activities has been set on your purple mash account. 

Bee Story Links

The Very Greedy Bee 

Bee & Me




Keeping Safe Online


Please explore the following link, which is a link to our e-safety page. On this page you will find lots of information about how to keep safe online.


This Half Term in Cookery is Crumble. Below are some recipes you may want to try at home if you can.


Crumble Recipes




Fruit of your choice




Week 1 Butterfly Activities

Monday activity

Tuesday activity

Thursday Craft activity 1

Thursday Craft activity 2

Here are some websites with further craft and art activities all about Mini Beasts

Below is a youtube link to Eric Carle the author of The Very Hungry Caterpillar reading his book.

Home Learning During Easter

Below are some further craft activities that you can complete

Home Learning

Please find below some activities that will support home learning at this time alongside your Home Learning Packs and work sent through emails. 
Daily activities on Purple Mash 
I will be adding work to your child's pupil mash account regularly. This will include maths, literacy, topic and art work.
Please find below guidance on how to login and assess the work being set on Purple Mash.
2. Inside your home learning pack on the right hand side there is a small login card stuck onto the folder. This gives you the information for the login and password for purple mash.
3. Once logged in you will see a screen similar to this screen.
4. On the right hand side in the corner you will see a  red 2do symbol.
5. Click on this symbol and you will see the work that has been assigned. 
Yourself and your child will be able to comment on the work set and I can also comment back.

Phonics Activities

Busy things  -

Login: rhspupil      Password: 12345


  1. Select Key Stage 1 

  2. Select Year 1 

  3. Select English 

  4. Select Phonics program

  5. Select Phase 5 Alternative letters and Sounds 


Pupils can then work through tasks and games in these areas. I would suggest playing 1 phonics daily/ every other day ( in the morning if possible) as they are quick, short activities.

Maths online activities 

Visit the website Busy things  -

Login: rhspupil      Password: 12345


  1. Click on early years.

  2. Click on reception.

  3. Click on mathematics. 

  4. Click on counting. 


Pupils can then work through these counting activities before completing further maths `worksheets` from their home learning pack or when they wish to complete maths games.

If the above is not appropriate for your child and they need more challenge please;


  1. Click on Key stage 1.

  2. Click on mathematics. 

  3. Click on number and place value or addition and subtraction.


Pupils can then work through these counting activities before completing further maths `worksheets` from their home learning pack or when they wish over the next few weeks. 

Further maths online activities

We use activities from this website in class so the pupils will be familiar with some of the activities. They are all fun and engaging activities which the pupils can complete. 


Literacy - The Tiger who came to Tea Home Learning ideas.

  • Can you retell the story yourself? You can ask someone to film you telling the story and watch it back. 

  • The author uses the words 'big', 'furry' and 'stripy' to describe the tiger. Can you think of any more adjectives to describe the Tiger?

  • Talk about how your family would feel and what they would do if a Tiger came to tea.

  • Can you make a menu of tasty food that Sophie's family can choose from at the cafe.

  • Create masks for each character to help you perform the story to your family. 

  • Discuss your favourite parts of the story and why you liked them.


On Twinkl there are some useful resources that you could use with the pupils ( they will need some support when using them but they may spark ideas)     Twinkl -


Twinkl have given schools and parents free access to their site for a month.

TO set this up please go You will need to create an account and use the offer code: UKTWINKLHELPS


By using twinkl you can download a range of learning activities, story books and worksheets for your child to do at home, you can even make your own resources. 


In the search bar Search  The Tiger who came to Tea and activities related to the story will be available to download. 


Here a few different links where you can watch some beautiful Tigers ( Some are from different countries so the Tigers may be sleeping!) < This link is pre-recored  footage of Tiger Cubs and their Mother.


Literacy online activities to complete 

Busy things  -     Login: rhspupil      Password: 12345 

Early years - Upper reception - Literacy, communication and language. 

Key stage 1 - Literacy.  Here you will find lots of engaging games for the pupils to complete.

Computing activities 

Login to

Username: rhspupil     password: 12345


  1. Click on key stage 1.

  2. Click on computing.

  3. Click on early coding - pupils can develop onto busy code when appropriate.


Pupils can then work through the activities in this section over the next few weeks. There is guidance before starting each game to support the pupil and yourself in understanding. 


Online Topic activities

Login to   Please see in your pupils home learning pack for their purple mash login.


  1. Click on art.
  2. In the search bar on the right hand side, type in house.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom to `Other'. Pupils can then complete over the next few weeks a range of tasks from the section such as builders game, designing house/bungalow, designing flats, house outline, rooms etc.

Dough Disco

At school the children regularly take part in dough disco to help develop their finger strength and fine motor skills. Here are some videos you can try with your child. These could be done once a day as repetition is great! 


Here is a handy no-cook playdough recipe that you can make at home. You could also get your child involved in making it with you!

Best Ever No-Cook Play Dough Recipe – Simply mix then kneed all the ingredients together


  • 2 cups plain flour
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (baby oil and coconut oil work too)
  • 1/2 cup salt.
  • 2 tablespoons cream of tartar.
  • 1 to 1.5 cups boiling water (adding in increments until it feels just right)
  • food colouring (optional)

Attention Skills

Here are some wonderful Attention skills activities that you can re create at home with house hold resources. These activities as used to engage and extend our pupils attention skills.


The Colourful Magic Trick


Science - Magic Milk Experiment


Science - Floating Ink Experiment


DIY Lava Lamp


  • Vegetable Oil
  • Water
  • Food colouring
  • Bicarbonate of soda
  • Empty bottle - Cup


Step One
Mix the food colouring and water together
Step Two
Pour 3/4 of vegetable oil in an empty bottle
Step Three
Pour the food colouring in with the vegetable oil.
Step Four 
Add the bicarbonate of soda in small amounts until you start to see it work.
Step Five
Wait and watch the magic appear.

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Spring 1


During our Topic Art Attack we have been learning about lots of famous artists. We have explored their work and have been inspired by them to create our own interpretations of their masterpieces. When learning about Claude Monet we created our own LilyPad paintings. Here are some pictures of us hard at work! 

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Autumn 2

Let There Be Light

We have really enjoyed our Topic this term `Let there be light`. We have learned about how lots of different religions use light as a form of celebration.

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Autumn 1

We have had such a fantastic and exciting first Half Term in Emerald Class.

Everyone really enjoyed learning about our Literacy story Peace at Last. Our favourite lesson was when we created our own tea sets and had a nice cup of tea just like Mr Bear.

During our Topic, we went on a trip to Crawley Recycling Centre and learnt lots about how our rubbish is recycled! We also explored and learnt about different types of materials such as magnetic materials. We carried out a science investigation to find out if the materials we found around the school were magnetic or not using magnets. 

We also had some special visitors come into Emerald class to celebrate Harvest with us. We had a fun afternoon making lots of Harvest Crafts. 




Hello and welcome back to another school year, my name is Áine and I am the class teacher in Emerald Class. Jodi is our class TA3 and Emma and Ruby are our class teaching assistants.

The pupils in Emerald class are: Anamul, Afaan, Alfie, Dillon, Sean, Sufiyan and Zahra.

Our topic this half term is `What a load of junk ` we will be learning about the environment around us and experiencing and exploring ways in which we can care for it such as recycling, saving electricity and litter picking.

Our Literacy story this half term is `Peace at last` by Jill Murphy.

The children have already started learning about the different characters and objects within the story. If you would like to listen or watch Peace at last with your child please see the literacy stories page.


I look forward to meeting you at Meet the Teacher. Please keep looking back to see what we have been up to!


Below is Emerald Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Contact Info
