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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Summer 2


We planted the flowers we bought from B and M in tubs to put in our new garden area.

Topic - Trip to B & M

We went to B and M to buy items for the garden area we are making as part of our topic.

Below is Purple Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document or click the PDF file to download.

Summer 1

Creepy Crawlies

This is the lovely display the children have made for our topic.


In science we have been doing lots of experiments with materials to see if when they change it is irreversible or reversible.

Bugs Galore

We had a visit from Magdelina and her bugs.  It was interesting finding out about them and what they felt like.

Below is Purple Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document or click the PDF file to download.

Spring 2

Landmarks around Luton

We enjoyed looking around Luton and finding different landmarks.

Around the town

We found where each of us live and had our photo taken outside our house.  We then stopped to look at two more important parts of town, the police station and the hospital.

Enterprise Day

We had lots of fun at Enterprise day, especially meeting Peppa Pig.

Below is Purple Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the      picture below to view the document or click the PDF file to download.

Spring 1

Pets at Home

We had a lovely time at Pets at Home and saw lots of different animals.

Andy Warhol inspired Art Work

Purple class have been looking at art work that Andy Warhol did.  We tried to recreate the fish picture and had fun printing with three fish as you can see.

Kandinsky & Picasso Art Work

Purple class have been very busy looking at the art work of Kandinsky and Picasso and making some pictures to represent this.

Welcome Back

We have already started what is going to be another busy half term.  Swimming on Tuesday was good fun and everyone really enjoyed it.  Our topic is Art Attack  and I will be sharing lots of the children's art work on the website for you all to see.

Below is Purple Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Autumn 2

Below is Purple Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Autumn 1

Afternoon with Bluebird Class

We had a great afternoon with our buddy class Bluebird from East site.  We introduced ourselves and then had a go on the new zip wire.  We then finished by having a party together.  It was great fun, cant wait to go to East site to see them again.


We have been working hard on our topic.  We made a recycling posters to hang up around the school to remind everyone to recycle.  We also recycled some plastic lids to make pictures with.

Below is Purple Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view to document.
Hello and a 'Big Welcome' to Purple class.  


In Purple class we have 9 lively Year 4 boys all ready for some fun.   My name is Sarah Dark and I am the class teacher.  Deirdre is my TA2 and the other support staff are Sarah, Josh, Liz and Karen.


This half term our topic is What a load of Junk and we will be doing lots of exciting things.  Please look at the over view and we will be putting up lots of photos for you to see what the children have been doing.

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