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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Richmond Hill - Pupil Progress

Tracking & Assessment of Pupils with SEND


To judge the attainment and progress of our pupils at Richmond Hill we use the following methods:



Teachers have annual EHCP meetings with parents, where they discuss the pupils progress over the last year against the 4 areas of learning: 


  • Communication & Interaction
  • Cognition & Learning
  • Social, Emotional & Mental Health
  • Physical and/or Sensory Needs


Teachers, with support from MLT/SLT and parent/carer input, ensure the EHCP reflects this progress and therefore gives an accurate picture of the pupil’s strengths and needs.


Personalised Learning Plans (PLP’s)

PLP’s are designed to work towards meeting the pupil’s outcomes, as discussed and set in the Annual Review meetings and documented in the EHCP.


Teacher’s make termly judgements and collect evidence to show progress against the areas recognised in the EHCP, as listed above.  These judgements are shared and moderated through our termly moderation cycle.


Evidence Collection - Evidence for Learning (EfL)

This platform holds our inhouse assessment frameworks and allows for evidence capture against these targets, which are stored in online assessment books.  

Current frameworks are:


  • Early Cognition & Learning
  • English - Reading & Writing
  • Maths - Number, Measure and Using, Applying & Statistics
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Curriculum - Functional Life Skills, PSHE, Learning to Learn, The World Around Me, Exploring & Experimenting, Physical Education, Expressive Arts & Design and Sensory. 


Pre-KeyStage Standards

The pre-key stage standards are used to make summative teacher assessment judgements for pupils who have reached the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and Key Stage 2 (Year 6). The standards focus on certain key aspects of English reading, English writing and mathematics. While the standards are designed to capture attainment in these subjects, individual pupils will demonstrate achievement in different aspects of their education and this is reported to parents through parents evenings and annual reviews.


Engagement Model

Pupils who are not working at Stage 1 of the Pre - Key Stage Standards are classed as and assessed against the Engagement Model.  The 5 key areas are assessed through observation points across the year and recorded on the DfE model which is on the EfL Platform.  

Additional Statutory Assessment


Early Years

In addition to the methods above, Early Years complete statutory assessment for all Year R pupils.  The Reception Baseline Assessment is used with pupils for whom this is an appropriate task.  At the end of the year staff complete the EYFS Profile return against the 17 areas of learning.


Phonics Screening

The purpose of the phonics screening check is to confirm a child has learned phonic decoding to an age-appropriate standard.  Year 1 pupils for whom this is an appropriate task will take the screening check.


Year 4 Multiplication Check

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently.  Year 4 pupils for whom this is an appropriate task will take the MTC check.


Progress Data 2018-2019

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