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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Summer 2

Below is Flamingo Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Summer 1


Kings and Queens and all things royal

We have been having great fun in our Topic lessons. We have tried on crowns and made amazing sand castles.

Below is Flamingo Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document or click the PDF file to download.

Spring 2

World Book Day

Enjoying great stories for World Book day 2019.

Below is Flamingo Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Spring 1

Light & Dark

Counting in Maths

Telling the story of Humpty Dumpty

Cookery - Making Pizza!

Humpty Dumpty Experiment with Eggs!

Fish & Chips

Welcome Back

Hello,  firstly Happy New Year and welcome to Spring term, hopefully the weather will soon warm up and it will start to feel Spring like!


This week we welcomed a new child to our class Jake who has settled really well, its like he has always been with us.  We've had a busy few days starting Humpty Dumpty, we had the most fun in Science this week which was linked to Humpty Dumpty.  In the lesson we threw eggs off the wall and sang the nursery rhyme, I had sneakily cooked some of the eggs before the lesson and the children had to see if they had a raw egg or a cooked egg when it fell off the wall.  The photos are below.


Keep looking for other updates!





Below is Flamingo Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Autumn 2



Topic - Colour Mixing

Celebrating Bonfire Night

Below is Flamingo Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Autumn 1


Science - Pushing

Washing Our Hands

When Flamingo's met Green Class

Flamingo class and Green class who are two site buddies meeting up to try the new zip-wire and have a shared party!

Exploring Herbs & Flowers 

In Science we have been exploring different herbs and flowers.

Brushing our Teeth!

For our topic work we practiced cleaning our teeth!

Topic Photos

In Flamingo class we have been learning how to kick a ball and ride bikes!

Below is Flamingo Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.


We had great fun exploring water using different objects!

Body Parts!

We have been learning about body parts through painting with our hands, fingers,  nose, arms and feet!

We are the Flamboyant Flamingos!

I am Sarah the Class Teacher, Beth is our TA2’s and we have teaching assistants Anne, Alice and Karen. The pupils: Aiqan, Archie, Arfa, Dawud, Nusaibah, Isla and Tanisha


We had lots of fun on the first day make funny faces of each other – can you spot who is who?


We also spent some time making flamingos for our class display, which I’m sure you agree looks fabulous.

Each half term I send home a curriculum map that details we will be covering that half term, it is also available to download at the bottom of the page.


We plan to update the website at least three times every half term so please keep looking!


I look forward to meeting you at ‘Meet the Teacher’



Contact Info
