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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Summer 2

This half term our topic is “Under the Sea”. We will be learning about different sea creatures and doing lots of fun activities related to the topic.

We will be going on two trips- Mead Open Farm in June and Splash Park in Leighton Buzzard in July!

During our first week back, we learnt all about teeth brushing and visited our school dentist!

The children learnt how to use rulers to make straight lines, draw lines from dot to dot and measure different objects in maths!


We have very busy, but fun 6 weeks ahead of us!

We will be uploading more pictures in the next few weeks!

Trip to Rushmere Park

A Riddle by Nojus


Nojus wrote a fantastic riddle as part of his topic work last half term.

We thought you would like to have a read and see if you can guess the answer.


To see the riddle click the link



This term our topic is ‘where is bear?’ we are following our bear around the world to different Countries where we will be finding out a little bit about that country; learning the language, learning about the animals in that country, creating art work based on the national flowers and famous artists.


For our first week we celebrated Diwali when we visited India and all pupils within the year band took part in a ‘diwali carousal’; exploring activities in different classes, including food tasting, sensory stories and creating rangoli patterns. In week two we followed the bear to Poland, the pupils created Polish folk art and a poppy reef. We will also be flying to China, Italy, France and back to England to visit some of our local areas. 


Our literacy books this term are ‘Jaspers beanstalk’ and ‘Hansel and Gretel’. Within our literacy lessons, we will be covering drama, speaking and listening skills, sentence writing and sequencing.


Keep looking at our page for updates...


Angela Ospalak 

(class teacher)


Decorating our chair for the Side by Side Exhibition


Welcome to class 3 (new class name to be confirmed), let me introduce you to our class… I am Angela the class teacher, Katie is my TA2 and I have two teaching assistants Marie and Lisa. In our class we have 8 pupils, Amy, Michael, Amy-Leigh, Nojus, Azlan, Naeem, Kieran and Kamran.


Our topic this term is ‘the things people do’. In the first week we made ourselves familiar with our surroundings and found different adults and rooms in the new building. Week 2 was all about doctors and nurses, all of the pupils had their x-rays taken in our very own class x-ray machine and we had a visit from a local nurse. Week 3 was all about chef’s, we painted with spaghetti paintbrushes and made table decorations. In week 4 we will be looking at hairdressers, trying on different wigs and making our own papier mache heads. We then move onto postman/women, fire/police (with a visit from Stopsley Fire station) and ending the half term with shop assistants where we will visit our local supermarket to ask the staff for help with shopping.


We will be focusing on 3 different literacy books this term including Kipper’s birthday and the jolly postman. We have two reading sessions a week and three phonic sessions, to support with the pupils decoding, blending and comprehension.


I have sent home a copy of our class timetable so that you are aware of which subjects we cover each day.


If you have any questions please do not hesistate to write in the home/school book.


Angela Ospalak

class teacher


Topic activities

Art activities

Harvest Assembly

Contact Info
