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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Summer 2

Dough Disco

Here are some new dough discos for you to enjoy at home. The songs have been adapted to be all about dough.

Summer 1

Body Percussion

Here is a link for resources on body percussion. Using our bodies to make sounds is something we do lots of at school.

Story - Everybody Worries


Click Here

Dough Disco

Please find below two Dough Disco videos. Click the links below to watch the videos.


Dough Disco - Fleur East - Sax


Dough Disco - Taylor Swift - Shake it Off

I know lots of you really enjoy water play so below are some ideas of how you can play with water at home.

Here are some rainbow activities to brighten up your day!

Sound Activity

Here is a link to a website where you can use your voices to make the balls move. You can practise making loud sounds, quiet sounds and even animal sounds.

Sensory Exploration

Below are some ideas to encourage sensory exploration. I hope you have fun giving them a go.

Keep Moving

Here are a variety of ways to get moving. Some of them could even be attempted outside to enjoy the sunshine.

Using balloons to encourage communication

Below are some fun ideas of how you can use balloons to encourage communication.

Summer 1 Activities

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The very hungry caterpillar read by Chrissie


Click Here

Kitchen Activities

Below are some great ideas to keep you busy in the kitchen.


Rice is a wonderful resource many of us have in our homes. Please see below for some great guidance on how you can use rice to engage in sensory play.

Spring 2

Gross Motor Skills

Below are some wonderful ideas to improve gross motor skills using a ball.

Colander Activities

Below are some great activities to try with a colander.

Easter Home Learning Ideas

Home Learning

Below are some fantastic learning ideas you can do at home. They cover a range of learning goals from role play to communication and use everyday things from your home.

Taste Safe Paint

Here is a fantastic recipe that you could make with your child at home. 
It can be kept in the fridge for up to 6 months and would be great for children to explore paints safely and create their own artwork.


Sensory Art Ideas

Please see below for some ideas for some lovely sensory art ideas.

Sensory Bottles

Please see below some guidance on how to make and use sensory bottles.

Down on the farm

Our topic next half term is down on the farm. See below for some lovely activities based around this topic including some lovely sensory ideas.

Home Learning

Moana Themed Activities

Below are some great creative Moana themed activities which will help develop communication and fine motor skills. Don’t forget to get moving to some of the songs at the end (link below).

Autism - how does Intensive Interaction help people with ASD?

A short description of the aims and working principals of Intensive Interaction, and the benefits of the approach to people with ASD. There is also some over...

Sensory Play

While we are all confined at home with our children, it is important that we try and keep them occupied and stimulated throughout the day. Sensory play activities are very easy to create and will keep your child entertained. 
The benefits of sensory play
  • It helps to build nerve connections in the brain.
  • It encourages the development of motor skills.
  • It supports language development.
  • It encourages 'scientific thinking' and problem solving.
  • It can involve mindful activities which are beneficial for all children.

Here are a few examples of sensory play activities that you could do at home.

  • Water play - fill up a large bowl with water and bubbles and throw in different sized containers.
  • Pour corn flakes / rice krispies / cheerios etc into a large tray and put some of their favourite toys in for example cars, diggers, plastic characters, train set, duplo bricks etc
  • Cornflour / jelly / paint are a few more examples that you could use to create sensory activities at home.
For more ideas visit the website Pinterest and search sensory play.


Have fun!

Dough Disco

At school the children regularly take part in dough disco to help develop their finger strength and fine motor skills. Here are some videos you can try with your child. These could be done once a day as repetition is great! 


Here is a handy no-cook playdough recipe that you can make at home. You could also get your child involved in making it with you!

Best Ever No-Cook Play Dough Recipe – Simply mix then kneed all the ingredients together


  • 2 cups plain flour
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (baby oil and coconut oil work too)
  • 1/2 cup salt.
  • 2 tablespoons cream of tartar.
  • 1 to 1.5 cups boiling water (adding in increments until it feels just right)
  • food colouring (optional)

The Hungry Caterpillar

Next half term, we will be sharing the story of the Hungry Caterpillar. Click on the link below so you can share this story together at home. 
There is also a funky song which tells the story. Link below.

We're going on a Monster Hunt

This half term we have been reading a story called 'We're Going on a Monster Hunt.' The children have really enjoyed this story and it is one that they are now familiar with. It would be lovely if you could share this together at home. Link below.
I will be checking my emails every day so if you need me, no matter how small, please get in touch. Jo

P.E with Joe - The Body Coach

Joe Wicks will be live from 9 AM everyday with a P.E session for children. Link below if you would like to join in.

Leave your Mark

Our topic this term was 'Leave your Mark.' We took part in different art activities using lots of different tools and materials. Our favourite activity was ripping paper to create a mountain landscape collage. 

Fun with Maths

We have had lots of fun developing our maths skills this term. We have practiced our number recognition and counting, exploring 2D and 3D shapes as well as using different sized containers to explore capacity. Take a look at some of our activities below.

Fun in the Snow!

At the beginning of the term, we were lucky enough to have a little flurry of snow. We wrapped up warm, went outside and had lots of fun with our friends.

Welcome Back

A big welcome back to the new term. We hope you all had a lovely break. Although we have only been back for a short while, the children have been busy doing lots of exciting things in school. Our topic for this half term is 'Leave your Mark.' We will be completing different art activities using a range of different media such as shaving foam, different types of paper, and lollipops. We will also be using different techniques such as tearing, scrunching and printing. 

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Spring 1

Buddy Class Visit

On Friday 31st January, we were very lucky to have our friends from Ruby Class come and visit us for the afternoon. We had so much fun playing different games together. Ruby Class made us a delicious chocolate cake that we enjoyed together before they went back to West. They also did a special performance for us and wrote us a fantastic poem. What a lovely class! 


We hope they come and visit us again soon!

Snakes & Ladders Trip

Canary Class had so much fun on our trip to Snakes and Ladders. The children enjoyed jumping into the ball pit, climbing right to the top and sliding down the wavy red slide and crossing over the wobbly rope bridge. Here are some photos showing all of the fun we had together.

Welcome back, everyone!


We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. There have been some changes to Canary Class since we started in September. We had to say goodbye to one of our friends, but we have gained two new friends. Lisa has now left us to explore new adventures, but we now have a new staff member. The adults in Canary Class are Jo (Class Teacher), Marie (TA3), Natalie (TA1) and Debbie (TA1). 

We have a new and exciting topic to cover this half term which is called ‘Show Time.’ Every week, we will be going on a magic train ride to explore different places. We have already visited the jungle and under the sea. Take a look at our curriculum map below for more information.

Please come back and check our class page as we will be posting lots of photos to show you all of the exciting things we do in school.

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Autumn 2


We used glitter, paint and fringed toilet rolls to make sparkly fireworks pictures. We also made colourful sparklers.

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Autumn 1

Cookery Photos

In Canary Class we have been having lots of fun developing our cooking skills. We have practiced spreading, cutting, chopping, grating, rolling and squeezing. Take a look below.

Hi I’m Jo and I am the teacher in Canary Class. Working with me in Canary Class is Lisa, Marie and Natalie. There are 6 boys in our class. I am very excited to be working with your child this year and I am so we are all going to have lots of fun as we follow our learning journey.


Our topic for this term is ‘All About Me.’ In our topic we will be exploring our five senses and learning all about our body. We will also be focusing on our friends and our school environment. In our English sessions, we will be reading the story ‘Silly Suzy Goose’ by Petr Horacek. 


Please see below for an overview of all of the exciting things we will be doing for Autumn 1.

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