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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Summer 2

Bowling trip

West Fest 2021

We made mocktails in Maths- measuring in ml. They were delicious.

Water cycle in a bag

Euro 2020- Football's coming home

Smarties Bar charts in Maths

I can't believe we're already in the last half term. 6 more weeks!

In English our story is 'The day the Crayons quit' by Oliver Jeffers. We will also do some non-fiction work on Summer.

Our Topic is 'What is water and how do we use it?'

As always please don't hesitate to contact the Silver class email. Elliot :)

Summer 1

We tried making a Silver class bar of chocolate. It turned out like moose but most of us still thought it was yummy.

We turned Silver class into the Chocolate factory! We found golden tickets on our walk. We then exchanged it for chocolate and then had lots of crazy and fun experiments.

Some of our lovely Topic learning and Artwork so far

The needs of a plant

For our story 'Charlie and the chocolate factory' we dressed up as Willy Wonka and exchanged Golden tickets for chocolate treats

To start our Topic 'How does a plant grow and change?' we went on a nature trail to see what plants grow locally

Spring 2

Easter Activities

Red Nose Day

Silver class children are busy learning about Hanukkah which is a Jewish festival of lights.

Elf watching Christmas movie in Silver class.

Cinderella Ball to end our traditional story in literacy.

Cookies are sweet and full of all sorts of delicious goodness, from nuts to fruit to chocolate. They can be either delightfully crumbly or sinfully chewy. Not to mention that they keep forever if they are stored properly... There’s no doubt about: cookies more than deserve their own day, and that’s why Cookie Day is celebrated around the world on 4th of December to pay tribute to these delicious little treats. So In silver class we grabbed some flour, butter and sugar, and joined in the celebration. Happy Cookie day!!!

Some lovely independent writing from silver class pupils today.

Oh dear! Elf is feeling cosy and warm in Silver today.

Thank goodness! Silver class children helped to tidy the mess today.

Silver class children came into class today and discovered the biggest surprise of the year. An ELF completely messed up the entire class with toilet roll. Stay tuned for more pictures to follow...... 

Elf on the shelf

As part of our thematic unit children were busy learning about about a range of different light sources, including electricity and explore the effects and differences between light and dark. We learnt about Safety of Bonfire night and use of sparklers which we did at the end of the week. We also did firework art linked with onomatopoeia - ie Whizz, Bang, Crackle, Pop. Children also wrote lovely poems about fire works with Onomatopoeia in it. 

What lights up the Sky in Winter?

Autumn 2

Welcome to Autumn 2

Firstly, I am really excited about being back at school after a half term holiday. I can see the children have had a fantastic time off relaxing and taking time to reflect. As we head towards another very difficult and challenging time during second lockdown can I remind all parents to continue keeping safe and reminding children to wash their hands regularly and wear masks out in public places.

This week the children in Silver class have enjoyed being back at school and are adapting well to their surroundings and daily routine. We have newer strict Covid measures that have been put into place now to keep everyone safe which involves children to washing hands more frequently and staying socially distant from their peers.


Things we need from home this half term.

Can you send in the following items for your child please?

-PE kit (we will be having PE on Thursday and will take their kits home every half term to be washed).

-Wellies (as the weather gets wetter , it is handy to have a pair in school).

-Winter coats, hats and gloves.


Our Thematic Unit is: What Lights up the Sky in Winter?

Children will be learning about a range of different light sources, including electricity and explore the effects and differences between light and dark.  We will look at a variety of customs and practices associated with certain religions. Pupils will be given the opportunity to learn about the differences between the many cultures and faiths within RHS. The children will also have the chance to engage and study about the important historical event of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot or Rama & Sita for Diwali.

Our class story this term is based on traditional tale and we will focus on Cinderella. In maths we will continue to look at shapes, space and measures in depth. The children will have further opportunities to develop their fine motor and handwriting skills through weekly activities such as Dough Disco, Write Dance and handwriting activities.

In this term we are looking forward to seeing your children grow, make friends and build communication and Independence skills this year. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at school or email me on and I will try and get back to you as soon as I can.


Thank you


Silver Class Teacher



Autumn 1

Please find below our curriculum map for this term.

Welcome Back

Hello and welcome back to another school year. I am Rezwana and I am the new class teacher in Silver Class. Jodi is our class TA3 and Ruby, Shama and Sam are our class teaching assistants.

The pupils in Silver Class are: Afaan, Dillon, Sean, Sufiyan, Markuss, Mackenzie, Lilly-May, Krish, Malin and Veronica.


It is so nice to have Children back to school ready for learning. Our topic this half term is `All about me` we will be learning all about ourselves, our family and what we like and dislike.

Our Literacy story this half term is Owl Babies by Martin Waddell.

The children have already started learning about the different characters and objects within the story. If you would like to listen or watch Owl Babies with your child please visit


I will email a copy out of the class timetable to the parents this week. The timetable will help the children prepare for the day in terms of them knowing what they will be learning but also when to look forward to their favourite lessons etc. You can use this email address to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at all.

We are very excited to be back at school. Thank you for all your help.



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