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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Summer 2

Swan Class Collages

Below is Swan Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Summer 1

Week 3 - Collages

Week 2 - Topic - Sandcastles

Week 2 - ICT Skills

Week 2 - Handwriting Practice

Week 2 - Fine Motor Skills

Week 1 - Fine Motor Skills

Below is Swan Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document or click the PDF file to download.

Spring 2

Spring 2 Collages

Below is Swan Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Spring 1

Science Photos

We have been experimenting a lot these two weeks seeing where it is easier or harder to pull & push a pram. We have also been looking at whether all paper rips as a mini experiment.  We also sorted soft & hard objects.

English Photos

We have been enjoying reading our new story 'Animal Boogie'. We have been finding words which rhyme & sequencing the events within the story

Maths Photos

We have been creating patterns using familiar objects. We have also been sorting 3D objects & seeing which 3D shapes roll. 

Topic Photos

In topic we have been trying lots of different foods from Italy & the United Kingdom. 

Welcome Back

Hello and a warm welcome back to school for the spring term. We have had a new child start in our class this half term. 


In English we will be focusing on a book called 'Animal Boogie' which the children have enjoyed learning about during our first week back. The children will be continuing to develop their literacy skills including reading, writing, speaking & listening.


In Topic our subject is come dine with me & there will be a different genre each week. The first weeks genre is British foods and so far the children have enjoyed a taster session. We are planning a few trips around the different genres including McDonald's & pizza hut.

Below is Swan Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Autumn 2



This half term we have felt dry and wet soil and we have been planting cress seeds which we have been watering everyday.


We have been exploring 3D shapes and 2D shapes. We have also been exploring placing objects in positions around the school/classroom.


We have been exploring different colours and have been attending parties in other year 3 classes for that colour. We have also created red animals as part of red week.

Below is Swan Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

Autumn 1


This half term we have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. We have been sorting 2D and 3D shapes and have been looking at the properties of common 2D shapes. The children have particularly enjoyed using the interactive whiteboard games to learn all about different shapes. 

Peace at last!

Our book this term is called Peace at Last by Jill Murphy and the children have enjoyed the repetitive phrases within this book. We have been singing the Peace at Last song and have read the book many times. The children have enjoyed making bear masks using different coloured fabric and making airplanes using coloured lolly sticks and wooden pegs.  


This half term, the focus was on making different twists and the children have so far enjoyed tasting jam, cheese, chocolate and apple + raisin twists. They have taken part in mixing, rolling, and spreading/sprinkling the filling on top ready to be rolled into a twist and baked. 

'Hello and welcome back to school. My name is Dawn-Rose and I am the class teacher for Swan class this year. We have 1 TA 2 who is Margaret and 3 TA's Helen, Carla and Dawn. There are 8 boys and 1 girl in Swan class and they are settling in well. Our topic this half term is 'Champions' and we will be learning all about our bodies, sports, healthy eating, personal safety and hygiene. This week we have been focusing on our bodies learning all about our facial features. We have made our own champions with our faces on as well. 


Our book this half term is Peace at Last by Jill Murphy. The children have already begun reading the story and have already learnt what the story is about. In weeks to come we will be building upon their understanding further. 

I look forward to seeing you at the Meet the Parents event in a few weeks time and please keep looking back to see further updates. 

Below is Swan Classes curriculum overview for this half term. You can click on the picture below to view the document.

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