Summer 2
Woodlands Virtual School Tour
Hi Diamond Class
I hope you all had a wonderful half term and had lots of fun with your families. I hope you are all keeping safe and well and are adhering to the government guidelines.
I found this lovely little video from Disney’s Doc McStuffins about washing your hands. Try putting it on when your child washes their hands to encourage them to wash them properly.
And remember...
Activities for building Independence at home
Putting your shoes on and off by yourself (If your child can do this then maybe have a go at tying some shoelaces).
Selecting the clothes they want to wear from their cupboard/drawers by themselves.
Getting dressed by themselves (extra challenge - put some of their clothes inside out and see if they can put them the correct way)
Brushing their own hair.
Using a knife, fork, or spoon for mealtimes.
Help an adult to make a simple snack (sandwich etc)
Cooking at Home
As you can see from the summer 2 curriculum map, this half term we should be making cakes. I would like to challenge you to make a cake each week with an adult at home. Try and do as much as you can by yourself (weighing, mixing, getting the correct equipment) then an adult can help you with the more tricky parts. I have attached a recipe link below but you are more than welcome to choose your own. I would love to see you guys in action, so don’t forget to email me some photos of you and your creations to our class email address.
Take Care
Lisa & Diamond Class
Please find below our curriculum map for this term.
Summer 1
Spring 2
Welcome Back
Home School ideas update - (30/03/2020)
ICT activities
- Virtual animals in your house. All you need to do a google search on one of the animals listed below (using your phone or tablet). Then click on, view in 3D. It will ask you to move the camera around (to get the dimensions of the room). Then the animal will appear (he will move, you can change his size, rotate him, move him around the room). My children had great fun with this. Animals you can search for are: Lion, Tiger, Cheetah, Shark, Hedgehog, Duck, Emperor Penguin, Wolf, Angler fish, Goat, Rottweiler, Snakes, Eagle, Brown Bear, Alligator, Horse, Shetland Pony, Macaw, Pug, Turtle, Cat, Octopus and Dog.
- Carol Vorderman is offering free usage while the schools are closed.
- David Walliams is offering free audio books on his website.
- This is a great website to visit, there are loads of games/activities for all different abilities. Just select an age group or topic and away you go.
- Take some photos using the camera on your phone or tablet (photograph different things around the house/garden. Can they edit their photos (crop, brightness etc). Then using the photo, draw their own version. They can even add a sentence about what it is or what it does.
Topic themed activities
Our current Topic in school is Great Britain and we have been learning about the countries that make up the UK. Due to school finishing early we didn’t get the opportunity to look at England. So here are a few ideas you could try.
- Create the England flag (colour, paint, cotton bud painting).
- Art work of the English rose.
- Other artwork linking to England.
- Using Google maps, explore different places around the UK (map view, street view etc). You could look at Big Ben, The Thames river, Your own house, School, Lake district, Seaside, Lochness, Capital cities, castles etc.
Homeschooling Ideas
Home School ideas (25/03/20)
Keeping healthy and active is really important for everyone at this difficult time. Not only is it good for your bodies but also vital for your well being and mental health. Listed below are some fun ideas you can try with your children:
- Jo Wicks (The body coach) is doing a live stream PE workout everyday at 9.00-9.30am. All you need to do to take part is, go to You Tube and search PE with Jo. He will be online just before 9am. This can be streamed from a tablet or through the TV.
- Also through You Tube, there are many fun kids yoga videos, just type in Cosmic kids yoga adventure. There are lots of stories available and the children get to do simple moves while the stories are being told.
- Get outside - Garden time (trampoline, ball games, bubbles), local walks avoiding parks (remember to follow government guidance regarding social distancing).
- Build a den (inside or in the garden). Using sheets, pillows, chairs and any other bits you can find around the house. Try giving children torches/fairy lights when inside to make it even more magical.
- Play a game of hide and seek with your children.
- Treasure hunt games. Hiding objects around the house (anything from pictures, stars, coins etc), then when they have found them all the objects, they get a reward.
I hope this helps and keep your eye out for more learning ideas on our class page while we remain closed. Stay safe and remember you can contact me on our class email.
Please find below our curriculum map for this term.
Spring 1
Making a Lion mask. From our storybook for this term.
Learning about ordering numbers and matching numbers to objects.
Black History Topic
We took part in lots of activities. Each class had a different country and we had Nigeria!
We have been designing animals from our book this term
We have been learning about numbers in maths!
Please find below our curriculum map for this term.
Autumn 2
Autumn 2 Update
Towards the end of the Christmas term Diamond class have been very arty and have made lots of different Christmas crafts. Also, we made cupcakes to sell at our Winter Wonderland.
Wildlife and The Wizard of Oz
In Diamond class, we have been making our wildlife animals. Also, we have been making characters from our English story The Wizard Of Oz.
Please find below our curriculum map for this term.
Autumn 1
Keeping Fit
We had a fantastic WOW afternoon keeping fit. Doing lots of different activities outside. We had a minute to complete the activity the best we could. We all had lots of fun!
Hello and welcome back to another school year, my name is Lisa and I will be the teacher of Pearl Class for 2019/2020.. There are 6 boys in Pearl Class and they have settled in well so far and it has been great getting to know them. I have a great team working alongside the children, Sadie is my TA3 and my TA’s include Karen, Amelia and Sandra.
Our Autumn term 1 topic is Fit as a Fiddle- we will be learning healthy active lifestyles and how to look after ourselves. We have are doing track running every morning this week to build our fitness and coordination levels. Plus, we had an active year 6 assembly where we took part in a warm up routine, stretch and cool down session. We also have a couple of trips to the gymnastics centre scheduled for this half term, where we will be buddying up with Ruby Class for some fun physical activity.
Our book in English is Elmer by David McKee, it's a lovely book which will help the children to understand that everyone is different. We will be looking at our qualities and what makes us unique. This week we will be reading our story and creating some artwork based on the story.
I look forward to meeting you all very soon, please keep looking back to Pearl Class page to see what we have been up to!