Headteacher Welcome
On behalf of our whole school community, I would like to welcome you to Richmond Hill school. My name is Hannah Cameron and I have the privilege of being this amazing school’s Headteacher.
As the Headteacher, I am fortunate to work with a team of staff and governors who are extremely dedicated and truly want the best for all our children. We aim to provide a broad, balanced, diverse and creative curriculum with our core vison being at the heart of all we do; preparing pupils for adulthood through building communication and independent skills.
We work relentlessly to nurture our pupils to unlock and achieve their potential. We are incredibly proud of the pupil centred curriculum that we have developed that enable pupils to have fun, achieve their personal goals and equips them with the knowledge, skills and understating to thrive in the world.
For all the very latest news, events, calendar dates and further information about our school, please visit other pages on this website, and don’t forget to follow our Facebook account.
We are extremely proud of our school – if you would like to know more about us, please come and visit – both the children and staff look forward to welcoming you.
You’re also welcome to contact me at rhsadmin@richmondhill.luton.sch.uk
Hannah Cameron