'Grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.'
At Richmond Hill we pride ourselves on having a fun, creative, very friendly school where pupils and adults can learn together.
The classroom organisation is stimulating and well structured which allows pupils and adults to take risks with their learning. We have a challenging personalised learning approach that allows each individual to be motivated, become confident, independent and have high self-esteem. We love to celebrate all the small steps of progress.
Physical activity is important to us and we are fortunate to have superb outside grounds and equipment which we use to full advantage throughout the day, seasons and types of weather.
We all respect each other, our differences and talents. Adults are encouraged to be reflective and we have a strong ethos of sharing expertise, teamwork and evaluation.
We want everyone to enjoy and benefit from their days at Richmond Hill School and we work continually towards this aim.
We have worked hard this year to have one over arching vision for all our learners that forms the basis of everything we teach and learn.
We strive to ensure that we grow independence in our learners, building on developing, improving and embedding communication strategies and encouraging them to believe that anything is possible.