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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

A very short week this week but we have managed to pack a lot in.


On Wednesday we had some new children and new adults starting with us. We hope they settle in quickly.


Sensory circuits and power walks have been under way in the mornings. The power walkers are definitely enjoying this better weather!


We launched Bird Box live! After the success of last year, we seem to be lucky again and there has been some nest building already going on. You can see the live stream here 


Classes learnt what the topics were going to be for this half term.

Years 1&2 are doing 'Down on the Farm'

Years 3&4 are doing 'New Life'

Years 5&6 are doing 'Frog Chorus.

You can see some of the songs and activities we are going to use by going to our new topic page here


Our version of the 'Happy' song is now on our Richmond Hill TV here

(you will need the username and password to see it)


We got back into swimming lessons with John.


As we are an eco school you can see the schools 'Eco Code' online and a questionnaire filled out by a pupil by clicking here


Hope you have a good weekend and we'll see you back on Monday.

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