As always it's been a busy week with trips out and about and all sorts of things going on in school.
- Emerald class went to the e-learning centre to make a video of the pirate story Victor had written. You can see screenshots of his story on this page here
- Amber class recreated the story 'Barry the Fish with Fingers' at the e-learning centre. You can view behind the scenes footage on Richmond Hill TV here
- Years 3 & 4 had a pirate party for the end of the 'Treasure Island' topic. You can see some photos here
- Gold and Silver class went to the Fun Factory.
- Important term dates added to the school calendar, right up to July 2016! (yes, really!)
- Egg jarping made a return and we had an egg jarping draw that rivalled the draw for the world cup! Exclusive photos can be seen here
- We finally captured the governors on camera and you can see them over at the governors page here
- Ruby class went to the e-learning centre to make adverts for the chocolate bars they had designed. You can see some photos on their page here and you can see the finished results by logging into Richmond Hill TV here
- Vicky has been busy with classes in the garden area clearing beds and planting peas. You can see photos here. Vicky has also had a good try to get us to eat some purple broccoli!
- Everyone in school was happy to dance along and join in to make our own 'Happy' video.
- Classes went swimming to LZW or to the Inspire pool.
- Sensory circuits happened every morning at 9 on the dot.
- Classes that go for power walks, went for power walks to help them be ready to learn in the classroom.
- Paying for dinners at school are changing we will be operating a cashless system from the 12th May. You can read more information on this page here. Cards and information have been sent home in each child's home school book.
- We held the 8th annual Egg Jarping tournament. Yellow class were this years winners. You can see a few photos here. Video to follow.
- We came to the end of our book term extravaganza. You can see the books we looked at and some of the work that went with it on this page here
- April's newsletter was been sent out. You can read it here
And now we find ourselves at the end of another busy term, so enjoy the break and see you all back on the 23rd April.