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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

As always it's been a busy week with trips out and about and all sorts of things going on in school.


Years 3 & 4 visited the Fun Factory (you can see a video of this on Richmond Hill TV here


Years 5 & 6 had a 1980's party. 


The grown ups got some good refresher training from Shirley and Angela on Wednesday.


Aga came in for our music sessions and choir. 


Classes went swimming to either Inspire or LZW.


The Quad outside Red and Purple class had it's grass taken up and replaced with astro turf. You can see photos of this here


Diamond Class used the Bee-bots in their ICT lesson. (read about and see photos of us using the Bee-bots here)


John has been teaching us all how to dance hip-hop style (yo, respect)


We got given a Raspberry Pi, (read about it here) which is exciting and both the grown ups and children will be learning how to use it together and finding out what it can do.


The school council have met and will take charge of emptying the compost bins for classes.


We have done our daily power walks and sensory circuits that help us get ready to work in the classroom.


Also this week it was Jill's birthday. Jill bought loads of chocolate biscuits for the grown ups which went down very well!

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