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Richmond Hill School


At Richmond Hill we grow independence, build communication and believe you can achieve your personal goals.

Website updates


Green class have been busy sorting and making patterns and using the soundbeam with Achlan here


Music page has been updated with photos of soundbeam work here


Gardening page, photos added to the 'general maintenance of the garden' page here


Richmond Hill Recipes page - added photos of red and orange's biscuit making here - added bread making by Amber class here


ICT - Bee-bot work with Sapphire class here

ICT - iPad work with Amber class here

ICT - Gold class making mii's on the wii here


Red class page now shows the children exploring the quad area, doing some digging in the garden and using playdoh in numeracy here


Blue class page now has photos of them icing biscuits, some numeracy activities and enjoying some waterplay in the quad here


Sapphire class now has some of their art work on their page, also added are some photos of them making ratatoullie, digging in the garden, matching words in topic and using the Bee-bots in ICT here 


Update for amber class - looking for shapes around the school and conducting a survey about the number of things around the building, also added are some literacy work in the playground and some science work with food colouring, milk and washing up liquid here


Silver class page updated with photos of them making doughnuts and some of the topic work using magnets here


Gold class page shows them making a banana loaf, doing some topic work and looking at 2d and 3d shapes in numeracy here


Pearl class page update with photos of numeracy and literacy activities, also some 'fit as a fiddle' topic work photos here


Opal class page updated with photographs of them looking at snails here


On Diamond class page you can now see their science experiment of making coloured milk and some of their topic work on healthy foods here


Ruby class page has updated and now showing their self portraits and photos of the class collecting fruit from the school garden for taste testing  here


The last page with an update is yellow class. There are now photos of them making a witches potion and painting with metal as part of their 'What a Load of Junk' topic work here

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